Is it a coincidence that Valentine's Day and hump day (Wednesday) collided? I think not...
I have a lot to ramble about today, better go grab a nice snack or something!
As for the latest happenings around here, January was much more productive in the wedding department, but February still holds potential in its final two weeks. I got my paper samples in the mail about two weeks ago, put together a sample invitation and loved it! I was hesitant to order the paper, though, since I was still thinking of how to save the most money on everything. In the end I annoyed Dan so much while going back and forth that he just told me to order the paper and get it done! "Get 'er done!" So, I ordered envelopes and enough paper (it comes in packs of 100) to make invitations, response cards, direction cards, programs, thank you notes, and will have some left over for any other paper projects. I'm glad that Dan made me order the paper so I'll have my cute invites and stuff to match, and for an awesome price...two words: metallic goodness!
The good news: When Dan and I went home for lunch today, the UPS truck pulled up as we were leaving. I thought my paper would be coming by regular mail like it did last time, but we watched as the guy walked up to our apartment door. YIPPEE!! My lovely paper is here! I wanted to take it into work and open up all of that metallic yumminess, but I refrained until after work when we could open it together.
The first weekend of February brought with it the Super Bowl service at church. It's the second one I've been to and, as promised, I laughed so hard that my face hurt. I invited my parents to it and they really enjoyed it also. Someone uploaded a bunch of video to youtube, even though it's a little choppy. I would suggest watching all of them. Of course, you probably had to be there to get some of the jokes and stuff, but the first few videos (they're numbered in order if you view all) show how huge our church "main area" is, and starting from #6 or so is most of the SB show with commercials included. I love #8-11, I think it is, where it highlights the two "players," our pastors. Too funny!
A staff member of the church also uploaded one of the game commercials in higher quality about "Manopause" - LOL! What's even funnier is that our two pastors were duking it out, but then one of the announcers (Brad Johansen from Channel 12 sports) said he could do a better job than one of the they switched spots! Hilarious! Brad gave an awesome "game," aka message, and tied scores with the remaining pastor. I wish we could see services from him more often!
My parents also came to our church this past Sunday when things were back to normal, and it's really different to have them there. I don't remember a time in my life that we all went to church together, except the time or two that my mom went with Mandy and I. The church is also starting their annual 6-week journey together for those that want to participate, so that should be interesting. Dan and I tried to do last year's "ID" journey with a friend, but we could hardly find time to meet and didn't follow through with it. We'll see how this year pans out since we're in a small group with friends that will hold us more accountable!
I also volunteered for the first time in Kids Club this past Sunday. Dan volunteers there every week doing check-in and computer stuff, but I haven't really found my niche yet. They needed someone in the 1-year-olds' room, and I went in with a positive attitude...when we had a bunch of munchkins all come in at one time screaming their heads off, I thought maybe it wasn't for me! Luckily, we were able to stick the cranky ones on the "fuss bus" and the room was a lot quieter. There was one little girl that really stuck to me and didn't want to let go. Finally, she was occupied with another little girl and toys and played happily. Not sure if that is the place for me yet, especially when a little one starts coughing or gagging...blech! Makes me want to gag along with them and then run out of the room!
I'm loving the snow and ice storms around here! Since I only live five minutes from work, I can't really call in for snow days, but it's still pretty to watch! I looked out my window at work this afternoon and it wasn't snowing at all...10 minutes later I looked out and it was coming down thick! Of course, I always have to take pictures of the snow...these are within the last week.

February 6th - looking off balcony toward gas station

Urple wasn't a big fan of the snow

Merry wondering what the heck is going on...

Merry was better in daddy's arms

February 13th - during the ice storm, from balcony
Wednesday morning was quite an adventure. I had to be at work at 6am, and the power went out right as I was leaving. Great! Oh well, I'm leaving, right? Well, my car wouldn't clean off because the ice on it was so thick, and when I tried to get out of my parking spot the car was stuck in ice! I woke up Dan and he got ready so we could take his car to work (we work at the same place), but once we got out of the parking lot we couldn't get up the hill to the main road! Dan realized that his parking break was frozen on one back tire and really wouldn't let him go forward. He was able to get the car back to our apartment by reversing the entire way! So, back to my car I went, trying to rock it out of the ice. I finally got it out of the parking spot and we were off. Whew! An hour and a half after I was supposed to be at work, I finally trampled in.
Of course I love any day that's dedicated to me ( know). But after my adventure into work I wasn't sure how the day was going to go. Let's rewind to Tuesday. Dan was supposed to be at work until 5pm. I needed to go to the bank anyway, so I had the genius idea to leave work at four and go to Kroger for the bank mart and a little something "valentiney" for my man. It WAS a genius idea until I completed my tasks and was almost home, only to see that Dan had left work a tad early and was right behind me! Drats! What was I going to do with this candy and balloon I bought, it would freeze overnight in my car! Yep, and freeze it did because I never found a good chance to bring the bag inside.
Fast forward to the Wednesday morning adventure extraordinaire...I thought I was screwed when Dan decided that we would take his car to work. How would I grab the bag out of my car and bring it with me to work (so I could put the stuff on his desk without him knowing) without him asking what was in the bag? ("Uhhh...breakfast?" As a balloon stick hangs out the side!) I went to Plan F by that point, and just figured I'd give him the treats after work. Then, when we had to take my car after all, there was still a chance to pull off my plan.
Long story short, my opportunity arose after lunch. We went home to eat and Dan wanted to clean out the litter box and take out the trash before going back to work. I left separately and realized my opportunity! I dashed into work and left the treats on his desk with a card, mwahaha.
So all is well that ended well...and even though he hurt his teeth on a poor frozen chocolate turtle, he brought me a cute cut-out paper heart that said "Love you!" for my desk. And even though I didn't see the paper heart he apparently put in my car door handle, when I got home there were paper hearts everywhere with messages on them! I'm still finding paper hearts in hidden places! Ahhh, so that's why he was so eager to do dirty chores! :) What a sweet valentine he is...
Last night we celebrated by going to the mall. We put our name in at the Cheesecake Factory and went to get our rings from the jewelers. Dan now claims that he got me a ring for V-day, haha, but I guess it's true! I have my bling back and it's more sparkly than ever! And I LOOOOOOVE my wedding band. I told Dan I want to wear it now, but he won't let me, lol. Is it bad luck to put it on and take pictures to show? :) After the jewelers we split a dinner, got cheesecake to go, and I wanted to find some diva sunglasses (for the honeymoon, of course). I have my Oakley's, but I just don't feel *diva* in them and I don't want to lose them in the ocean or anything! I've tried on a pair of big-framed ones before and Dan and I really liked them. We ended up in Aeropostale, and left with a pair of diva sunglasses (10 bucks!!) and swimwear for the both of us (which reminds me even more that I need to lose weight). We also stopped at a kiosk with a sunglasses sale and Dan got two pairs for himself. As long as I've been with him, he's only owned one pair of sunglasses for maybe two months. He lost them and hasn't bought any since. Now we are ready for Jamaica, wearing only swimming suits and sunglasses the whole week!

I think that's about it from me, now that this entry is quite lengthy! I'm going to go get some of
Holly's rockin' new
POP scrapping elements! And if you're in the scrapping world (or not) and haven't checked out the amazing collaborative kit for the
ASPCA, check out how you can purchase it or donate to the organization
HERE! Speaking of scrapping, I have two new layouts, but I'll save those for another post...a shorter one...or you can see them on your own
here. :)