Going for the two month record...
You know, trying to beat my previous records of time between posts. I should win the Gold for this one.
In order to keep this somewhat simple and not bore any readers that may still exist, and not bore myself 20 years down the road when I read this again, I'm going for the list format. Ah, the lists are what keep me sane lately (though Dan may disagree).
Well, even with a list I can't help but blabber on all day. :) I'll leave you with a couple layouts I did a while ago. The first I did for a friend named Scott. He went to Mamelodi with Dan, hence the title of the page. The second was for Holly's last kit. Credits here as soon as I upload them, hehe.


In order to keep this somewhat simple and not bore any readers that may still exist, and not bore myself 20 years down the road when I read this again, I'm going for the list format. Ah, the lists are what keep me sane lately (though Dan may disagree).
- At the end of February, we started a six-week journey with a small group from church. I remember mentioning it in the last post. Several other churches also participated. It was all about the Kingdom and how it's supposed to operate. So eye-opening. Loved every week with our group and learning more about ourselves, each other, and what the Kingdom is. Check out stories from small group members, as well as "test cases" of the "Kingdom experiments." (www.kingdomexperiment.com and www.cincyexperiment.com)
- Also at the end of February, Dan and I started marriage classes with our church. There were about 50 couples taking the class, and they lasted for five Saturdays. I was in communication heaven with all of the things we were learning like our personality types, our love languages, conflict strategies, you name it. There was also some s*x talk thrown in for good measure, and we learned that we're supposed to have at least one good fight a week to have a happy marriage. Bring it on! ;)
- I finished our wedding invitations and got them in the mail. Love the way they turned out. I'm glad we decided to order the paper and do everything ourselves. Good that even though I haven't been scrapping, I can still feed the urge to cut paper and make things.
- At the end of March, Dan got to go to Madrid, Spain for a work trip. This trip was a lot better for me than his South Africa trip, especially since it was only a week, it wasn't during my birthday, and I was almost a pro after suffering through S.A. He didn't get to sight-see a lot since he mainly worked, but was able to get some pictures and enjoy the food.
- While Dan was gone my wedding dress came in and I went to pick it up! That was actually the second time I went to pick it up, but that's a long story that we don't have room for here in this condensed post. Let's just say that during the first try-on, it looked like a flood would be coming through the dress shop, so they had to send it back and get a longer dress. Leave it to me to be in between lengths, I may still get it altered to be a little longer.
- Also while Dan was gone, Mandy asked me to be her Maid of Honor for her wedding in January! Yay! After my wedding is over, I'll still have hers to satisfy my itch for wedding planning. That's an excuse to buy more bridal mags! It seemed only fitting that she asked me while Dan was away (though it wasn't intentional), since I asked her to be in my wedding while Dan was away last time.
- We met with our reception location and figured out our menu and all of those fun things. We weren't too happy that our contact woman totally threw down all of our ideas and rubbed us the wrong way, but thankfully we haven't had to deal with her all that much.
- Easter was spent with both families this year instead of just one. One of my brothers and SIL decided to have people over for lunch and do an egg hunt for the kids, and then we went to Dan's family for dinner and their Easter. And for the record, we told his family NOT to give us any candy because we're trying to do the "D" word (and the cash is fine, no need to spend it on candy we won't finish in our lifetime), but we still came home with 4-5 bags full of candy. And it sits...eaten little by little.
- To expand on the "D" word...neither of us have ever "dieted" in our lifetime. I've never needed to, I've never kept myself from eating the foods I want, and I realize that I still don't need to, but a bikini in Jamaica might laugh at me and think otherwise. Dan and I decided to do the Weight Watchers thing and as long as I have my chocolate somewhere in the day (or a few times without counting), then I'm happy. I want to lose 20 pounds to get into summer clothes from two years ago when I first met Dan (gee, what a coincidence that I met him and they don't fit anymore). And I'm already about halfway to my goal! Let's all say a prayer that I can fit into all of them and not have to buy a new wardrobe for the honeymoon and summer.
- We had a family reunion for people on my dad's side that only get together about every 10 years. The last picture that was taken of us getting together was from 1995, yikes! It's great to see those people again, get some pictures, and hear some stories.
- Our kitty kats have hit their "terrible twos." At least once a day they knock over our bathroom trash can so they can eat the q-tips out of it and bat the toilet paper rolls around the place. They're big enough now to jump up on our kitchen counters while we're not here and find things to play with...like twisty ties or pens. Crazy kitties.
- Last night I had an airbrush tan to see how I like it. It was an easy process, looks good for the most part, but I'm not 100% sure that I want to do it for the wedding. I'll keep you posted.
- This weekend I have two showers in my honor. Saturday, my mom is hosting one with our family which should be fun. She's doing a Jamaican theme! And Sunday, my MOH Sheri is hosting one with friends with the help of Mandy, which promises to be just as fun with the games she has planned and good friends. Next Saturday, Dan's mom is also hosting a couple's shower for his family, so that should be interesting. I've never been to (or been a part of) a shower for a couple.
- We still have a hefty to-do list of small things to do for the wedding. Only another month to go!
Well, even with a list I can't help but blabber on all day. :) I'll leave you with a couple layouts I did a while ago. The first I did for a friend named Scott. He went to Mamelodi with Dan, hence the title of the page. The second was for Holly's last kit. Credits here as soon as I upload them, hehe.