Their own party of five...
Miami Whitewater Forest

I'm glad it's only the 16th, but I'm bummed that it's already the 16th! This month needs to pull back on the reigns a bit. I finally placed some decorations inside the house before we went to Gatlinburg, though I could use more now that I have plenty of bare space. Maybe next year, or a good stock-up after Halloween when everything's on sale. We hear that a lot of kids come around to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood, so we've stocked up on the goods, too. I'm trying very hard not to PIG OUT on it before the big night.
Gatlinburg was absolutely beautiful. The weather was sunny and nice, not too hot or cold, and the leaves were already changing. As I realize I didn't mention much about the trip beforehand except hey, we're leaving for Gatlinburg, it was a rather spontaneous getaway. With a few weeks notice, my SIL invited us to go along with their little family and share a cabin, and we agreed. Here are just a few of the shots we took... I mean... Dan took. He was photographer and bag-lugger extraordinaire and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have many digital memories of our weekend. Muchas gracias, mi amor. I'll post more once I get through them.
- Real post is on the agenda.
- Lisa and Justin's photos are still undergoing magic touches.
- Tonight is yoga and packing for a weekend Gatlinburg trip.
- We leave tomorrow!
- Must charge some camera batteries and do who knows what else.
Enjoy the weekend.
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