My poor neglected blog...
Wow, it's been a month since my last post! My poor blog is always forgotten about when I have free time. Let's get to the review!
What month is it again? Oh, right...flippin' September! How can it be September already? Where did the summer months go? Granted, it does feel like June was forever ago, it still doesn't feel like three months have gone.
I started teaching at a nearby online university that's offering on-campus classes. Can you figure out which online university that is? The one that's known around the world? The classes are one night a week for five weeks, and four hours long. If you asked me three months ago when I was going through training for this position if I could fill up four hours of classtime, I would've laughed at you and said you were crazy. But you know what, it's not enough time! It's a speech class, so they have speeches every week. Last night I had about two hours allotted for speeches and critiquing them. Eleven students performing speeches that are 8-10 minutes each, okay maybe it would take three hours. HA! The 10:00 hour rolled around way to quickly and all we got done were speeches. Thursday is the last night of the class. I already have another class lined up for November, so hopefully that'll give me some extra Christmas money.
What else...I guess I got a bunch of layouts done at the beginning of August, but I only uploaded a couple of them into the galleries. I'm not sure if I remember the credits now!
TULIPS - from Niagara

Kit - Holly McCaig's Office Chic
JULY REVIEW - digichick challenge

Kit - Holly McCaig's Goodbye to Summer, Label sticker - also Holly's, Binder clips - Holly's Office Chic - recolored, Note paper - Gina Miller's Note This, Stamped alpha - Michelle Coleman, Painted alpha - Rhonna Farrer, Inked edges - Atomic Cupcake
CAMERA HAM - that's me, too cute!

Kit - Holly McCaig's Rawk Candy, fuzzy string recolored
Alpha - Dani Mogstad's This Love CD
Brush strokes and distressing - Michelle Coleman and Nancie R-J

Everything from Dani's This Love CD
TRUE LOVE - awwww!

Everything from Dani's This Love CD
Paint strokes - Michelle Coleman

Idea from Amy Martin's layout of Dani's little Lexi, Background paper - Nancie Rowe-Janitz's Quiet Love, Stamp flowers and labels - Holly McCaig, Ribbons, leather trim, tag - Michelle Coleman's Gypsy Rose
Whew! I was on a roll the week I created those! Hopefully I can get some scrapping in tonight and/or tomorrow night.
As for the coming weeks, my days will be pretty packed so I hope to take some time out for myself to scrap or work on a dream book that Dan and I are putting together. I think it was Dan that had the idea to put together a book where we could write down and paste pictures of all the things we want in a future home, for our kids, for ourselves, etc. This week I put together the dividers and cover in photoshop, now I need to print them out and alter a spiral book I have laying around.
My days will also be pretty packed literally, since we're moving in a month! On September 30th we will be leaving the crowded, impatient streets of our little Cincinnati area and moving to the country-esk streets of northern Kentucky. I'll have to make sure to take pictures of everything before and after, both apartments.
Speaking of pictures, I started carrying my point-and-shoot camera with me in case a situation calls for photos, but no such luck. Dan and I have a couple weddings to go to this month, and I do have my friend Sheri's bachelorette party, so I feel some photo shoots coming on soon. Sheri did have her bridal shower early in August - I forgot that I have to upload those pictures! YES!
Speaking of weddings, not much else has been planned with ours. We put the deposit down on our reception site, but that's about it. Of course, the digital scrapper that I am had to go and redo the save-the-date card! I like it so much better now, but I still can't figure out how I want to print all 100+ of them. Any ideas? We're putting a piece of colored background paper with these white cards, so I don't know if I want them to be on photo paper, but the photo would look so much nicer if they were. Check it out! If you're seeing purpleish text on your monitor, just imagine brown. I don't have the right file on my computer after I played around with the color.

Anyway, I think that about concludes our program for this evening. I'm off to scrap or alter something! I haven't been fully meeting my CT requirements, so I need to redeem myself!
Until next time...whenever that may be.
What month is it again? Oh, right...flippin' September! How can it be September already? Where did the summer months go? Granted, it does feel like June was forever ago, it still doesn't feel like three months have gone.
I started teaching at a nearby online university that's offering on-campus classes. Can you figure out which online university that is? The one that's known around the world? The classes are one night a week for five weeks, and four hours long. If you asked me three months ago when I was going through training for this position if I could fill up four hours of classtime, I would've laughed at you and said you were crazy. But you know what, it's not enough time! It's a speech class, so they have speeches every week. Last night I had about two hours allotted for speeches and critiquing them. Eleven students performing speeches that are 8-10 minutes each, okay maybe it would take three hours. HA! The 10:00 hour rolled around way to quickly and all we got done were speeches. Thursday is the last night of the class. I already have another class lined up for November, so hopefully that'll give me some extra Christmas money.
What else...I guess I got a bunch of layouts done at the beginning of August, but I only uploaded a couple of them into the galleries. I'm not sure if I remember the credits now!
TULIPS - from Niagara

Kit - Holly McCaig's Office Chic
JULY REVIEW - digichick challenge

Kit - Holly McCaig's Goodbye to Summer, Label sticker - also Holly's, Binder clips - Holly's Office Chic - recolored, Note paper - Gina Miller's Note This, Stamped alpha - Michelle Coleman, Painted alpha - Rhonna Farrer, Inked edges - Atomic Cupcake
CAMERA HAM - that's me, too cute!

Kit - Holly McCaig's Rawk Candy, fuzzy string recolored
Alpha - Dani Mogstad's This Love CD
Brush strokes and distressing - Michelle Coleman and Nancie R-J

Everything from Dani's This Love CD
TRUE LOVE - awwww!

Everything from Dani's This Love CD
Paint strokes - Michelle Coleman

Idea from Amy Martin's layout of Dani's little Lexi, Background paper - Nancie Rowe-Janitz's Quiet Love, Stamp flowers and labels - Holly McCaig, Ribbons, leather trim, tag - Michelle Coleman's Gypsy Rose
Whew! I was on a roll the week I created those! Hopefully I can get some scrapping in tonight and/or tomorrow night.
As for the coming weeks, my days will be pretty packed so I hope to take some time out for myself to scrap or work on a dream book that Dan and I are putting together. I think it was Dan that had the idea to put together a book where we could write down and paste pictures of all the things we want in a future home, for our kids, for ourselves, etc. This week I put together the dividers and cover in photoshop, now I need to print them out and alter a spiral book I have laying around.
My days will also be pretty packed literally, since we're moving in a month! On September 30th we will be leaving the crowded, impatient streets of our little Cincinnati area and moving to the country-esk streets of northern Kentucky. I'll have to make sure to take pictures of everything before and after, both apartments.
Speaking of pictures, I started carrying my point-and-shoot camera with me in case a situation calls for photos, but no such luck. Dan and I have a couple weddings to go to this month, and I do have my friend Sheri's bachelorette party, so I feel some photo shoots coming on soon. Sheri did have her bridal shower early in August - I forgot that I have to upload those pictures! YES!
Speaking of weddings, not much else has been planned with ours. We put the deposit down on our reception site, but that's about it. Of course, the digital scrapper that I am had to go and redo the save-the-date card! I like it so much better now, but I still can't figure out how I want to print all 100+ of them. Any ideas? We're putting a piece of colored background paper with these white cards, so I don't know if I want them to be on photo paper, but the photo would look so much nicer if they were. Check it out! If you're seeing purpleish text on your monitor, just imagine brown. I don't have the right file on my computer after I played around with the color.

Anyway, I think that about concludes our program for this evening. I'm off to scrap or alter something! I haven't been fully meeting my CT requirements, so I need to redeem myself!
Until next time...whenever that may be.
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