It's sad when I'm using the blog to procrastinate on bigger things that need to be done this weekend, but blogging needed to be done so I think it's perfectly acceptable.
Since I failed miserably (or happily, however you look at it) halfway through my daily photos for 2008, and the daunting task is still on my 101 list, I decided to give it another try in 2009. This time it's more on my terms and much easier. I'm doing an iPhone photo a day, emailing it to my Flickr, and basically calling it done. After that, I can go into Flickr when I get a chance, add the pictures to my new 365 set, and send to a 365 group I joined (purely optional). Viola! No downloading the photos from the camera, editing them, tagging them in Flickr, or any of the other additional steps that stopped me in my tracks last time.
Although the iPhone photo method is a much easier process, it forces me to think more creatively. I don't have a fancy lens or depth of field, and the pictures are pretty craptastic quality-wise. I also have to think about what's in the background and what's messing up my photo because there's no editing/blurring/cropping. Tricky, tricky! Of course, if any of our clients are reading this, make note that I always put this kind of thought into your photos. I shoot with the utmost care and responsibility. ;)

In Rye Designs news, our first big change was our logo. If you're a fan of our page on Facebook, then you've already read about this news. With our old logo, much like a bad relationship, I didn't know what kind of hole I was in until I had climbed out and claimed good riddance. I knew that I didn't like our tagline placement or font, and that was about it. Now that our colors are a little different (as well as Pantone worthy) and our tagline is cleaner, I feel like I have a new, dreamy Prince Charming. No worries, Dan.
Other changes:
- Dan and I have been working on the website and it's coming along! Actually, I should say it's a lot further than our last website design! With our vacation next week, it looks like "going live" will be slated for February unless there's some kind of miracle.
- There will be a NEW BLOG integrated in the site design, but as of now it will not roll out with the rest of the site.
- We are working from the ground up on this site design, just like our last one. We are not using templates or nasty flash, and custom designing and coding is taking more time than I imagined.
- Now that we have photo, stationery, and website examples for the site, I put them all on my iPhone! If I'm ever out and need to show examples of our work, it's at my fingertips. They all look silky, smooth, and fabulous!
- There will be more changes as we go along, but the website and blog are priority for the next month.
This weekend: Designing here, photos there, taking down Christmas decor, and maybe a trip to IKEA. We haven't been there to browse in a long time and need to exchange an item.
We'll be leaving for California on Friday, so there's some packing and cleaning included in the task list this week. Cross your fingers that we're not delayed with ice or bad weather. We'll be visiting previous co-workers as well as my
sister and her cute family. Didn't know I had a sister?! Well, you're in for a treat because she's much more creative and talented than I am. ;) Musician and friend,
Craig Lyons, will also be playing while we're vacationing. Perfect timing!
Come back tomorrow and I'll show you a couple photos we took of Becca from
Sweet...with a side of snarky.