The word of the day is...
Overdue. O-V-E-R-D-U-E. Overdue.
Dan got back on Halloween safe and sound, with all luggage and limbs intact. Others were not so fortunate...not so much in the limbs department, but more the luggage department.
[Que that dreamy, flashback music along with a foggy overlay]
It was a Tuesday...but not any ordinary Tuesday...for Dan would be returning from his trip to South Africa. A reunion that would...okay, enough of that. I talked to Dan while he was in Wash. DC for a 4+ hour layover, and really wasn't thinking about work that day at all. He wasn't going to be hungry when he got home, since he was eating lunch in the airport rather than just a snack on the plane, so my big plan of having dinner ready for him was foiled! (Pun intended)
I left work around 1:30 so I could go home and prep the dinner anyway instead of taking time away later. Stephanie had given me the fabulous idea (and recipes) of cooking a pork tenderloin along with asparagus in the oven, and I was already planning on making a sweet potato casserole. Mmmm, the dinner would be grand. I already put the sweet potato casserole together the night before, along with carrot cake cupcakes and chocolate-covered strawberries. All I had to do was put spices on the meat and asparagus, wrap in foil, stick in the fridge, prep myself a little (wink, wink) and be on my way to the airport for his 3:00 arrival. A friend of ours from work wanted to come to the airport also, so he picked me up and we zoomed off.
Long story made shorter for blogging purposes...Dan arrived back home to a (mostly) spotless apartment, minus some boxes stacked up in strategic corners, showed me his souvenirs and took a shower. After that, I threw dinner in the oven, acted like I had slaved over it all day long, and in an hour we had one of the best dinners (if I may say so myself). However, the genius that I am forgot to chill the wine during the day so we couldn't have it with dinner, but we chilled it and had it with our chocolate covered strawberries later.
All was great and it was so good to have him back home. We've already decided that there won't be any more separations like that again. Pathetic I know.
[End flashback sequence]
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[Wedding and misc. chatter]
Dan and I glued liners and stuffed envelopes with STDs last night. We took our "crabs" and will mail them to other people, that's our wedding gift to our friends and family. I hope they like it. ;) Now all we have to do is address those puppies and get them out the door! We're also planning a little something else that's still a secret to most people, and I printed out the stuff for that last night too. It's been so nice to work with paper again, making things with my hands rather than a mouse. I made personalized address labels too that I'm in love with. They're nothing fancy, but I still love them. After everything is in the mail/delivered I'll post pictures for you to see. Wouldn't want to spoil any designs or surprises!
Tonight Dan and I get to meet with our photographer and pick up our engagement picture DVD!! I loved the ones on the website that I can't WAIT to see the rest. I don't remember if I've posted it here or not, but if you go to our photographer's website he has a select number of our engagement pictures posted for others to see his work. If you click on "Engagement" toward the bottom of the links, we're the second couple down the page! LOVE them!
I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll leave you with pictures of Dan's first night back and a layout from last weekend.
Mmmm, chocolate covered strawberries
Carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese icing
Pork tenderloin, roasted asparagus and sweet potato casserole
Note to self: put pot holders on the registry
My darling around 9:00 that night, hehe.
See credits here. The photo was taken at O'Charley's the day of our engagement session. Don't you just love being able to whip out your camera at dinner and make everyone in the place look at you when they see a flash? ;)
Dan got back on Halloween safe and sound, with all luggage and limbs intact. Others were not so fortunate...not so much in the limbs department, but more the luggage department.
[Que that dreamy, flashback music along with a foggy overlay]
It was a Tuesday...but not any ordinary Tuesday...for Dan would be returning from his trip to South Africa. A reunion that would...okay, enough of that. I talked to Dan while he was in Wash. DC for a 4+ hour layover, and really wasn't thinking about work that day at all. He wasn't going to be hungry when he got home, since he was eating lunch in the airport rather than just a snack on the plane, so my big plan of having dinner ready for him was foiled! (Pun intended)
I left work around 1:30 so I could go home and prep the dinner anyway instead of taking time away later. Stephanie had given me the fabulous idea (and recipes) of cooking a pork tenderloin along with asparagus in the oven, and I was already planning on making a sweet potato casserole. Mmmm, the dinner would be grand. I already put the sweet potato casserole together the night before, along with carrot cake cupcakes and chocolate-covered strawberries. All I had to do was put spices on the meat and asparagus, wrap in foil, stick in the fridge, prep myself a little (wink, wink) and be on my way to the airport for his 3:00 arrival. A friend of ours from work wanted to come to the airport also, so he picked me up and we zoomed off.
Long story made shorter for blogging purposes...Dan arrived back home to a (mostly) spotless apartment, minus some boxes stacked up in strategic corners, showed me his souvenirs and took a shower. After that, I threw dinner in the oven, acted like I had slaved over it all day long, and in an hour we had one of the best dinners (if I may say so myself). However, the genius that I am forgot to chill the wine during the day so we couldn't have it with dinner, but we chilled it and had it with our chocolate covered strawberries later.
All was great and it was so good to have him back home. We've already decided that there won't be any more separations like that again. Pathetic I know.
[End flashback sequence]
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[Wedding and misc. chatter]
Dan and I glued liners and stuffed envelopes with STDs last night. We took our "crabs" and will mail them to other people, that's our wedding gift to our friends and family. I hope they like it. ;) Now all we have to do is address those puppies and get them out the door! We're also planning a little something else that's still a secret to most people, and I printed out the stuff for that last night too. It's been so nice to work with paper again, making things with my hands rather than a mouse. I made personalized address labels too that I'm in love with. They're nothing fancy, but I still love them. After everything is in the mail/delivered I'll post pictures for you to see. Wouldn't want to spoil any designs or surprises!
Tonight Dan and I get to meet with our photographer and pick up our engagement picture DVD!! I loved the ones on the website that I can't WAIT to see the rest. I don't remember if I've posted it here or not, but if you go to our photographer's website he has a select number of our engagement pictures posted for others to see his work. If you click on "Engagement" toward the bottom of the links, we're the second couple down the page! LOVE them!
I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll leave you with pictures of Dan's first night back and a layout from last weekend.

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