One busy bride...
It's that time again, folks, my once a month update! :) And where did January go...honestly?
("Who throws a shoe...honestly? You fight like a woman!")
The first month of 2007 has gone pretty well over here. The first couple of weeks were a little iffy because I couldn't decide what kind of calendar I wanted this year, or if I wanted a calendar at all...maybe just a note pad because I like to write so many lists? Normally I go for a Flavia type, but none of the office stores had those in stock this year, they went to some Legacy-schmagacy brand that "looks" like Flavia. I definitely wanted something that would hook or zip together so I could throw papers in it (and most likely forget about them). Okay, so who cares about my calendar woes. I ended up buying a "folio pad" thing with a nice cover at the bookstore, only to decide the next day that I reeeeeally needed my days and weeks laid out for me with this wedding planning and such. All I know is that life returned to normal after I found a colorful zip-up planner at Target. Who knew that my life without a calendar would take such a turn for the worse? Big decision #1 of 2007 - check!
[Wedding schtuff]
> Bridesmaids' and Junior Bridesmaids' dresses ordered - check!
> Honeymoon booked to Jamaica 'mon - check!
> Baker chosen to make wedding cake - check!
> DJ service chosen for reception - check!
> Wedding bands ordered from jeweler - check!
> Paper samples ordered for making invitations - check!
> Completed financial part of wedding "counseling" - check!
> Deciding to cancel everything and elope so Elvis can marry us - PRICELESS!!
The movie Love Stinks just popped into my head, and I'm sure Mandy will appreciate that one. I think Dan and I have done more during the month of January than we did during the first seven months of our engagement, lol. We're definitely moving right along. Of course, it helps now that I have a handy dandy calendar to write our goals in every week. Four months to go! Big things to do very soon: invitations & programs, flowers, favors, registering, and scanning our pictures of growing up. :-)
[Merrybell- and Urpel-isms]
I thought we had relatively sane cats, but lately they've done some cute and crazy things...
1. They both love the sink and bathtub, but I can't even brush my teeth without Urpel right in the sink trying to lick up the water. I tell her to move, but she plops down and prepares to camp out. Turning the water on her doesn't work either, she just licks that and walks around with a wet side. She doesn't quite understand that if she doesn't get her tubby butt out of the sink then she'll be licking toothpaste off her side.
2. Merry has taken more to me, while Urpel has to Dan. Merry's also a little cuddler, Urpel's not so much.
3. Merry is a timid eater. Whenever more food is added to their bowl, Urple is the first one to get herself to the bowl and eat. Poor Merry gets pushed out of the way or has little room for her head in the bowl. Even with treats, Urple normally gobbles hers up and then goes to steal Merry's.
4. Last night we bought them a feather toy because they kept playing with our duster in the laundry closet, and they went nuts! Okay, so Merry was her little timid self and enjoyed the toy, but Urple was a crazed loon! She was jumping and running after this thing so hard that she was panting like a dog. The last time I checked we had two cats, but heck if we didn't think there was a little dog in the apartment last night.
5. Every so often, one of the cats will pin the other to the ground and start cleaning away. This usually involves some wrestling moves and some more knocks to the ground, and then more cleaning. It's quite amusing.
6. We gave them both a bath not too long ago, trimmed their nails and everything. Even though they will sit in the sink and let water soak them, they refuse the whole bath idea. When Dan was clipping their nails, Merry actually enjoyed it and put her paws up voluntarily! Here's a picture of her back paw getting clipped and she was licking his arm, lol...along with some others.
Aren't they precious?

A mix of wrestling, licking, and hugging...I think

Our little puppy
I think that's it for me tonight. Tomorrow's hump day and I always have to go in early. Since I set up my blog to take posts through email, maybe I can start doing that more often at work. Think it'll happen? Until next month... lol.
("Who throws a shoe...honestly? You fight like a woman!")
The first month of 2007 has gone pretty well over here. The first couple of weeks were a little iffy because I couldn't decide what kind of calendar I wanted this year, or if I wanted a calendar at all...maybe just a note pad because I like to write so many lists? Normally I go for a Flavia type, but none of the office stores had those in stock this year, they went to some Legacy-schmagacy brand that "looks" like Flavia. I definitely wanted something that would hook or zip together so I could throw papers in it (and most likely forget about them). Okay, so who cares about my calendar woes. I ended up buying a "folio pad" thing with a nice cover at the bookstore, only to decide the next day that I reeeeeally needed my days and weeks laid out for me with this wedding planning and such. All I know is that life returned to normal after I found a colorful zip-up planner at Target. Who knew that my life without a calendar would take such a turn for the worse? Big decision #1 of 2007 - check!
[Wedding schtuff]
> Bridesmaids' and Junior Bridesmaids' dresses ordered - check!
> Honeymoon booked to Jamaica 'mon - check!
> Baker chosen to make wedding cake - check!
> DJ service chosen for reception - check!
> Wedding bands ordered from jeweler - check!
> Paper samples ordered for making invitations - check!
> Completed financial part of wedding "counseling" - check!
> Deciding to cancel everything and elope so Elvis can marry us - PRICELESS!!
The movie Love Stinks just popped into my head, and I'm sure Mandy will appreciate that one. I think Dan and I have done more during the month of January than we did during the first seven months of our engagement, lol. We're definitely moving right along. Of course, it helps now that I have a handy dandy calendar to write our goals in every week. Four months to go! Big things to do very soon: invitations & programs, flowers, favors, registering, and scanning our pictures of growing up. :-)
[Merrybell- and Urpel-isms]
I thought we had relatively sane cats, but lately they've done some cute and crazy things...
1. They both love the sink and bathtub, but I can't even brush my teeth without Urpel right in the sink trying to lick up the water. I tell her to move, but she plops down and prepares to camp out. Turning the water on her doesn't work either, she just licks that and walks around with a wet side. She doesn't quite understand that if she doesn't get her tubby butt out of the sink then she'll be licking toothpaste off her side.
2. Merry has taken more to me, while Urpel has to Dan. Merry's also a little cuddler, Urpel's not so much.
3. Merry is a timid eater. Whenever more food is added to their bowl, Urple is the first one to get herself to the bowl and eat. Poor Merry gets pushed out of the way or has little room for her head in the bowl. Even with treats, Urple normally gobbles hers up and then goes to steal Merry's.
4. Last night we bought them a feather toy because they kept playing with our duster in the laundry closet, and they went nuts! Okay, so Merry was her little timid self and enjoyed the toy, but Urple was a crazed loon! She was jumping and running after this thing so hard that she was panting like a dog. The last time I checked we had two cats, but heck if we didn't think there was a little dog in the apartment last night.
5. Every so often, one of the cats will pin the other to the ground and start cleaning away. This usually involves some wrestling moves and some more knocks to the ground, and then more cleaning. It's quite amusing.
6. We gave them both a bath not too long ago, trimmed their nails and everything. Even though they will sit in the sink and let water soak them, they refuse the whole bath idea. When Dan was clipping their nails, Merry actually enjoyed it and put her paws up voluntarily! Here's a picture of her back paw getting clipped and she was licking his arm, lol...along with some others.
Aren't they precious?
A mix of wrestling, licking, and hugging...I think
Our little puppy
I think that's it for me tonight. Tomorrow's hump day and I always have to go in early. Since I set up my blog to take posts through email, maybe I can start doing that more often at work. Think it'll happen? Until next month... lol.
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