Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's business time...

Here's a video for you - can't stop laughing at it.

Here's another video while you're at it, a little dirty humor that some of you may have seen...

I can say this week has been pretty productive. I've been sorting and applying magic to the Blasi bunch after their photo shoot last Saturday. Here's a sneak peek of their sweet family - especially the little one who always wanted to see the picture after I took it. I'm not above the bribery, know, "play with your train and I'll show you the picture." Worked like a charm since he would forget about seeing the pictures two seconds later. This shot was one time he decided to come at me and see the picture - so what else would I do but take a shot of the cuteness? Luckily, the good shots don't have a pipe going through mom Blasi's head. Their album should be in the gallery soon.

THAT REMINDS ME! Go HERE and see the Newport album that I've had posted for a couple weeks now. I forgot to mention it last time - my bad.

Besides editing - or because of - I have been reluctant to send in my laptop for repairs even though last week I received the MASSIVE DHL box for my itty bitty 12.1" lifeline. I need to do that. Since I have to keep the hard drive and ship the rest, Dan bought a little gadget so I can just plug my HD into the USB slot of his laptop. Now I won't have to crawl into a corner and experience withdraw from waiting on my repairs.

This weekend and upcoming week will be a WILD one...

  • On deck - the Ricketts better eat their Wheaties and get their smiles on for a shoot tomorrow afternoon. We weren't comfortable with the focusing on our new 50mm last week, but tomorrow we're pulling out all the stops - look out!
  • One of my cousins is getting married tomorrow night - and I haven't thought about my outfit yet!
  • Sunday we're heading to the SAUERKRAUT FESTIVAL in Waynesville, O-HI-O. Honestly, if you're not there I better hear a good excuse Monday morning. Holla at me when you get there and we'll have some cabbage soup and German potato sundaes - topped off with some kettle corn and pumpkin ice cream. Word.
  • I got some pretty PAPER in the mail the other day and I plan to dig right into it for the invitations that need to be printed and put together.
  • I have a meeting with our wedding photographer about a certain offer that I couldn't be more excited about - wish me luck.
  • I'll be doing whatever I can before we leave for a wedding / road trip to Maryland next weekend. That'll equal a check off my 101 in 1001 list for taking a weekend road trip.
Speaking of "the list," I wasn't going to say anything and see if anyone noticed - but I have failed so far at creating my one scrapping layout a month. Oooops! I tried to slap some journaling on a layout I started a couple months ago, but it just wasn't coming to me. Guess I better get in gear on that one. Where are my motivators here? ;)

Oh, and Mrs. Sheri created her own little list of things HERE - she has some good ones!

That's about it for me tonight. Full day tomorrow and I'm ready to sleep!


Sheri October 23, 2007 at 2:02 PM  

Hope you had a GREAT birthday!! It was good seeing you two again up here in C-bus! Talk to you soon! Have a great week!

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