I just keep changing it up...
Onemilelongtodolist whaaat? - I was originally going to take a screen shot of the MEGA-long to-do list that I have running, but while making it I thought it was quite funny to see all the calendars I have on my list. A week ago or so I didn't have a photography, fly lady, or to do calendar, but circumstances asked for them. I'm just starting with fly lady and her 31 baby steps to creating a habit of tidying up our home every day, the photography is self-explanatory, and before I was using another to-do format and wasn't digging it - so those items were thrown into my google calendar where I can move them around. I'm definitely digging the change, but this just shows my sickening obsession love for lists. Keeps my bee-hind trucking along when I have a lot to do.

Teaching - I just found out last week that my class for November/December was canceled. I was a little jittery for it since I haven't taught since last November (and I'd be pressed for time around Christmas) but was excited for the extra cashola and getting back in the classroom. BUT, the stars didn't align for this one. That's okay though, because I'm pumped for getting our site launched and doing some photo shoots... AND tackling - and adding to - and tackling again - my major to do list. This also gives me a push to look into online teaching at the same college, hopefully I can have more opportunities that way.
Projects - There are A TON of projects in the works right now and I'm stoked about each one. I thought I'd show a couple of them that are on their way out... the first is Mandy's wedding map that I just finished and sent off to the blushing bride. The second is an invitation that's almost done - just needs a few more details and maybe a font change. It's for a surprise party celebrating Dan's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. Try saying that a few times fast. The cabin on the front of the invite is actually on their farm.

Other projects in the works - Mandy's shower invites, shower games, a website design for a part of our church (once we have another meeting and nail down more details), and personal Christmas cards.
Coming up - I had a chat with a DELL representative the other night that was actually quite pleasant. For some strange reason I haven't had sound from my laptop speakers in a while, but I could still hear sound when plugged into my monitor (and closed halfway to fit under the monitor) or external speakers. Computer-Man- Dan popped open the laptop to check it out after my chat and saw that my speaker wire is cut in half. Awesome. Someone from dell called me back within the hour to check up, I told them what we found, and they're sending me a box this week to mail in the puter for fixing. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?! And don't say it means that my laptop will be fixed under warranty... pish posh. Nope, it means that I will be WITHOUT A COMPUTER FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS! What am I going to DO?! I surely will not survive...
Also coming up - Today Dan ordered some printable CD-Rs to give to our photo shoot families. So far we have one this Saturday and one next Saturday with friends from church. Definitely looking forward to those and the fun we'll have. While Dan was shopping he threw in a 50mm f/1.4 lens for our upcoming shoots. I can't wait to try out - hopefully it gets here by Friday! We've heard good reviews about the 50mm lens and were going to go with the f/1.8, but decided to jump on the 1.4 instead. Excited!!
This post has taken me well over an hour now, so it's time to call it a day. Have a good HUMP DAY! :)
I LOVE the invitations! Did you take that picture of the grandparent's cabin? It looks really rustic/vintage. Love the post title too.
Sounds like you are flying past me with your photo business. I don't know where you find the time. I know I can't find any!
Talk to you soon!
Sounds like you have some fun projects going on. Looking at your google screen shot I love how you organize all your calendars. Such a great idea to have one for birthdays, one for holidays, etc.
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