Yes, I'm alive! (VERY long! )
I've seen a lot of blogs with that title lately, but it's true! In the last month I've been getting used to my new school or homework, but working 40 hours a week...and blogging hasn't been included in my evening activities yet. I would blog while I'm bored at work, but since our web activity is logged, I'm a little afraid to do that! :) I am alive, though, and hopefully I'm here to stay! I think this entry calls for headings, it'll be a LONG one - just a warning.
By the second week in June, I finished my Master's paper and it totaled 40 pages! I graduated on June 10th, and four other girls in my group were also walking in the ceremony. I only expected one other girl to be there, so I was shocked when I found out the others were there too! I still can't believe that I'm not taking classes or teaching right now. I come home after work and feel like I have to work on my paper or grade something. It is nice remembering that I don't have to do those things. Here's a picture that was taken before graduation...
Some hot Communication M.A. girls

Yes, I have wedding info already! Not a lot, but some, lol. We have our color pallet picked out already, heck that was the first thing we did! I really love these colors, and they were inspired by a bouquet in one of my wedding magazines. My favorite color is purple, so we HAD to have that color in the pallet, and Dan's favorite color is green. I really like the olive greens, but I'm okay with mossy greens, too. Those will be the main colors, and then we picked light hues of yellow and blue to be accent colors. Dan's second favorite color is blue and mine is pink, but we thought that a lot of weddings use pink already and we were inspired by that bouquet. Since we'll be having an end-of-Spring/ beginning-of-Summer wedding, I think these colors really scream fun (as if colors could scream). So, here they all of their Photoshop Pantone-color glory.

A couple weeks ago my mom and I went to Archiver's and bought supplies to make save-the-date cards, too! We ended up finding some adorable packs of purple and green patterned and solid papers, and I thought they would be perfect to go with the color theme. Though I keep wondering if I should make my cards digitally, or just make simpler ones. I'm terrible with decisions! Dan and I have an idea of the invitations we'd like to get, but now we need to decide whether we'd like to make them ourselves or buy them professionally.
In other news, we also have our church booked for the ceremony! I'm really exicted that this is done already, but we did run into some problems booking it. First, we had to go to an information session about having one of the pastors perform the ceremony (we have many at our huge church) and/or booking the new chapel. Dan had already been talking with the coordinator that week who said that the day we wanted was totally free. The information session went really well, and afterwards we were talking with the director/pastor that ran the session (Steve). We had some questions about us living together and the ceremonies in general. While we were talking to Steve, another guy came up and wanted to turn in his request form and deposit for the chapel. His fiance couldn't make it that night, but she told him that he HAD to turn in the form that night to request their date. He said something like this to Steve, "My fiance wanted to make sure I turn this in tonight...we're looking at a Sunday wedding next year, around 5:00 if would be Memorial Day weekend." WHAT?! That's OUR day! Argh!
In the end, Dan talked to the coordinator again (who contacted the other couple), and we will have our ceremony at 2:30 while the other couple has theirs at 5:30. They already had their reception booked, so they couldn't move their wedding back any further. So, we were fortunate enough to get our date, and I'm happy about the time! When the ceremony and other stuff is finished and we get to the reception site, it'll be about 4:30 or 5 - just in time for dinner.
Also, my sister is a wedding planner. Even though she lives in California, we've been able to ask her questions and get some awesome planning worksheets to use! I'm sure she'll be an invaluable resource for us.
Check out these adorable pictures I found in a stash at my parents' house. I've been getting all of my childhood pictures from them to scan and scrap. You've probably seen some of them on layouts already, but there are hundreds to go. These pictures were actually pretty faded, but my scanning software fixed it right up with one click! The first one is one of my daddy and me, and the second one is a look that my parents say I always made as a child. There's another picture of me that puts me in stitches everytime I look at it, but I can't find it right now... hmmm.
My daddy and me in front of an indoor train display

My mischevious look, LOL!

If you've made it this far, I'm impressed. In the last week, I've managed to do a lot of scrapping! It's been such a release to be able to scrap and be creative again! I thank my cutie for being tolerant of it, but he's also been able to play his video games...somehow I don't think he minds, but I'm sure he wants me to spend more time with him and less time on my computer. If you want to check out the credits to these, go to my gallery here. My style has evolved and I'm really loving it! With all of the new embellishments coming out like office supplies, paint, and freestyle stuff, I think my layouts are much more free. I used to love having structured layouts, but not anymore.
This first one I started back in April for the Chick's Life challenge. I just got around to finishing it - the prompt was "Your age" - but now the journaling is a little outdated. :) I guess I need to make a new "24" page now, lol.

I love the kit for this one! I used Holly McCaig and Kristin Cronin-Barrow's All About Me kit, and it's so fun! These pictures were taken exactly one week before Dan proposed at Niagara. We were at my brother's graduation party and he asked permission from one of my older brothers and my dad...boy was I in the dark!
[Happy Couple]

This one is also for an old Chick's Life challenge, for the prompt "About green." Since my mom's birthday is in May and her birthstone is an emerald, wa-la a title was created!
[My Emerald]

[Master's Graduation]

The next two aren't in my gallery yet since I maxed my allowance for the day, lol. I love these, though, and they're the first layouts I've been able to do of my Niagara trip. These make up a double-page layout.
[An Engaging Dessert]

In case you're wondering what my long story says, it's just the engagement story that was written in my previous post. I'll have these up in my gallery in the next couple of days if you want to check out the credits...frankly, I still need to figure out what they are! :)
Oh, and if you haven't heard about Plain Digital Wrapper yet, go check it out! It's awesome! There are so many designers in one place!
Okay, I warned you that my post would be long, so if you're STILL here then I'm really impressed! Thanks for reading everything, and taking a look at my latest layouts! I hope everyone in the states as an awesome July 4th and takes tons of pictures to scrap!
By the second week in June, I finished my Master's paper and it totaled 40 pages! I graduated on June 10th, and four other girls in my group were also walking in the ceremony. I only expected one other girl to be there, so I was shocked when I found out the others were there too! I still can't believe that I'm not taking classes or teaching right now. I come home after work and feel like I have to work on my paper or grade something. It is nice remembering that I don't have to do those things. Here's a picture that was taken before graduation...
Some hot Communication M.A. girls

Yes, I have wedding info already! Not a lot, but some, lol. We have our color pallet picked out already, heck that was the first thing we did! I really love these colors, and they were inspired by a bouquet in one of my wedding magazines. My favorite color is purple, so we HAD to have that color in the pallet, and Dan's favorite color is green. I really like the olive greens, but I'm okay with mossy greens, too. Those will be the main colors, and then we picked light hues of yellow and blue to be accent colors. Dan's second favorite color is blue and mine is pink, but we thought that a lot of weddings use pink already and we were inspired by that bouquet. Since we'll be having an end-of-Spring/ beginning-of-Summer wedding, I think these colors really scream fun (as if colors could scream). So, here they all of their Photoshop Pantone-color glory.

A couple weeks ago my mom and I went to Archiver's and bought supplies to make save-the-date cards, too! We ended up finding some adorable packs of purple and green patterned and solid papers, and I thought they would be perfect to go with the color theme. Though I keep wondering if I should make my cards digitally, or just make simpler ones. I'm terrible with decisions! Dan and I have an idea of the invitations we'd like to get, but now we need to decide whether we'd like to make them ourselves or buy them professionally.
In other news, we also have our church booked for the ceremony! I'm really exicted that this is done already, but we did run into some problems booking it. First, we had to go to an information session about having one of the pastors perform the ceremony (we have many at our huge church) and/or booking the new chapel. Dan had already been talking with the coordinator that week who said that the day we wanted was totally free. The information session went really well, and afterwards we were talking with the director/pastor that ran the session (Steve). We had some questions about us living together and the ceremonies in general. While we were talking to Steve, another guy came up and wanted to turn in his request form and deposit for the chapel. His fiance couldn't make it that night, but she told him that he HAD to turn in the form that night to request their date. He said something like this to Steve, "My fiance wanted to make sure I turn this in tonight...we're looking at a Sunday wedding next year, around 5:00 if would be Memorial Day weekend." WHAT?! That's OUR day! Argh!
In the end, Dan talked to the coordinator again (who contacted the other couple), and we will have our ceremony at 2:30 while the other couple has theirs at 5:30. They already had their reception booked, so they couldn't move their wedding back any further. So, we were fortunate enough to get our date, and I'm happy about the time! When the ceremony and other stuff is finished and we get to the reception site, it'll be about 4:30 or 5 - just in time for dinner.
Also, my sister is a wedding planner. Even though she lives in California, we've been able to ask her questions and get some awesome planning worksheets to use! I'm sure she'll be an invaluable resource for us.
Check out these adorable pictures I found in a stash at my parents' house. I've been getting all of my childhood pictures from them to scan and scrap. You've probably seen some of them on layouts already, but there are hundreds to go. These pictures were actually pretty faded, but my scanning software fixed it right up with one click! The first one is one of my daddy and me, and the second one is a look that my parents say I always made as a child. There's another picture of me that puts me in stitches everytime I look at it, but I can't find it right now... hmmm.
My daddy and me in front of an indoor train display

My mischevious look, LOL!

If you've made it this far, I'm impressed. In the last week, I've managed to do a lot of scrapping! It's been such a release to be able to scrap and be creative again! I thank my cutie for being tolerant of it, but he's also been able to play his video games...somehow I don't think he minds, but I'm sure he wants me to spend more time with him and less time on my computer. If you want to check out the credits to these, go to my gallery here. My style has evolved and I'm really loving it! With all of the new embellishments coming out like office supplies, paint, and freestyle stuff, I think my layouts are much more free. I used to love having structured layouts, but not anymore.
This first one I started back in April for the Chick's Life challenge. I just got around to finishing it - the prompt was "Your age" - but now the journaling is a little outdated. :) I guess I need to make a new "24" page now, lol.

I love the kit for this one! I used Holly McCaig and Kristin Cronin-Barrow's All About Me kit, and it's so fun! These pictures were taken exactly one week before Dan proposed at Niagara. We were at my brother's graduation party and he asked permission from one of my older brothers and my dad...boy was I in the dark!
[Happy Couple]

This one is also for an old Chick's Life challenge, for the prompt "About green." Since my mom's birthday is in May and her birthstone is an emerald, wa-la a title was created!
[My Emerald]

[Master's Graduation]

The next two aren't in my gallery yet since I maxed my allowance for the day, lol. I love these, though, and they're the first layouts I've been able to do of my Niagara trip. These make up a double-page layout.
[An Engaging Dessert]

In case you're wondering what my long story says, it's just the engagement story that was written in my previous post. I'll have these up in my gallery in the next couple of days if you want to check out the credits...frankly, I still need to figure out what they are! :)
Oh, and if you haven't heard about Plain Digital Wrapper yet, go check it out! It's awesome! There are so many designers in one place!
Okay, I warned you that my post would be long, so if you're STILL here then I'm really impressed! Thanks for reading everything, and taking a look at my latest layouts! I hope everyone in the states as an awesome July 4th and takes tons of pictures to scrap!
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