Put me in coach...
Here it is - Wednesday again. Good old hump day. WHAT A WEEK it has been... in true I'd-just-like-to-call-it-a-wash fashion. But I'm definitely looking at the good stuff and calling it a much needed week.
Dan and I had our flu shots last Tuesday and we're still not sure if that was a good decision. I woke up Wednesday morning to a nice feeling of nauseousness and a headache, and went into work late. Thursday we met with the Blasi bunch again to enjoy some time together and take care of a little business. Good thing #1 - spending time with good people, having good conversation, and their cute kids. Friday was one crazy-packed day at work, only to come home to a crazy-packed night of work. I had some shopping to do and games to make for Mandy's bridal shower the next day. I should've scattered that work throughout the week, but I didn't. I figured I could get it done in one night because only one of the games had intensive prep-time, and the food prep was little to none. And I totally stressed myself out - oops.
Come Saturday morning I thought that stress was getting back at me when I woke up with a sore throat. I was probably right. Dan helped me with the last bit of prep in the morning, and I trucked through the day to do what I had to do. What a big turn-out Miss Mizzle had for her shower, and you should've SEEN how quick the little weenies I made disappeared. Thanks to Sheri for the recipe. I should have known to make more since everyone that walked through the kitchen was eying and asking about them. Half the people asked for the recipe before they even knew what I was making! I guess that's how you know something's good. I made another tray after the first two were wiped, but Mandy's mom said we should keep them to ourselves - good idea mom.
Because of time constraints and technical problems, we were only able to play one of the three games I prepared (plus an ice breaker game) - and it wasn't the one that took the most prep time. HA. That's okay, we'll have to play them another time. Poor Mandy had to rush to open all of her gifts because the guests were watching the clock (mainly to make fun I hope). I think everyone had a good time. I know I did with all the laughs and free-flowing water bottles for my monster thirst. Bridal shower - success!
Afterwards, Mandy and Chris had their families together for dinner and invited me to stay. There were more laughs and more good people, and talk about lubricating my rubbers. (All clean thoughts on this blog, folks, we were talking about my car.) I was the photographer for the day and took some family photos of them also, so those are due for uploading. Good thing #2 - time with Mandy and her family is always filled with fun. Thanks for the invite guys, it was just what I needed. I'll have the photos to you soon. Oh, and for her invitation that I never posted, comment and tell me what you see looking at it. I'm either a design failure, or a genius beyond my wildest dreams. I'll let you know which one next time. Excuse the blurry text - just for quick show.
While driving home Saturday night my sore throat got worse and worse - horribly worse - like my tonsils were being pulled out and sliced off every time I swallowed. Between trying not to swallow and shivering through 90 degree heat coming through my vents, I HAD to stop at the store to get something for my throat. Something. Anything. I decided on some Chloreseptic cough drops - WHICH DO NOT WORK - because I'm not too good with the gag reflexes and holding a spray in my throat for 15 seconds before spitting it out. I would choke. So I took Advil, covered myself in sweats, and prepared for my slow death. Of course, my death was halted around 1:00 in the morning when Dan was locked out (I blame it on my delirium) and started throwing rocks at our bedroom window. After that I was definitely scared halfway to my death.
Sunday was spent out of commission. It was a nice, full day on the couch. I tried to do a little work, but only ended up exhausting myself trying to sit up at the computer. I sure learned my lesson - RELAX. Nothing but noodle soup, fluids, television, and napping for me. While recovering I also worked from home Monday morning and went in after lunch to finish important things. I've been trying to get my energy back and I think I finally found it today. We'll see tomorrow. Good thing #3 - being forced to relax and take care of myself is a darn good thing, and I need to do it more often.Tuesday and today - I'm back in the game and ready to rock it. Last week I made a collection of Christmas (or holiday) cards for our photo shoot families and for anyone else that is interested. Totally customizable. Absolutely loving them, especially the ornaments, and the trees, and the jingle bells... oh, and the postcard and stockings too. The blue is so dreamy. Not sure which one we're going to use for our cards yet, or if we're going with something different. Anyone interested should act fast before it's too late! And if you need a photo taken you should act even quicker!
That's about it for me today. Hope your hump day was fabulous, and Thursday is even better. Here's to good health and jumping back in there!
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