Just in time...
I survived the crazy weekend - with something like 10 hours of sleep total. If that.
Here's the recap bullet style:
- Date night with friends Jen and Michael.
- A Thai restaurant for dinner.
- A coffee shop for dessert, coffee, and more connecting.
- We haven't seen them in a while and had a great time.
- Jen does interior things and offered to help me with paint colors and stuff for the house.
- Say it with me - hallelujah.
- I don't think Dan could stand much more indecision and war-raging paint chips.
- Those things get brutal when you bring other brands into the mix.

- Early meeting at the university I work for as-needed. (Read: never because my campus Public Speaking classes have been moved online. You tell me how that makes sense.)
- Dan came along and we met with Mandy and Chris for lunch and book browsing.
- It's funny when you're looking in the photography section and find a book that should belong in the HOLY-COW-THAT'S-ADULT section.
- I guess those types of photographers need some how-to books also.
- We didn't buy any books - score a point for not spending on things we don't need.
- We wasted time at Lowe's and Target getting ideas.
- Met with friends for dinner and game night - with Apples to Apples and Cranium Turbo.
- Lots of laughs, puppetry, humming, and competition.
- We stayed at my parents' house instead of driving all the way home.
- Word to the wise: sleeping on the couch is only fun when the couch - and blanket - is big enough. But when you're sneaking in in the middle of the night - and your younger brother has taken apart the bed from your old room - you have to make do with what you find.
- Dan had an early meeting at church for more website work he's doing.
- He tried to get me up but I was dead tired.
- As soon as he pulled out of the driveway, I was wide awake. Go figure.
- I got to drive my mama's fun little Tiburon to church. It doesn't have a built-in back massager like my car, though...aka "bump in the trunk." I might have to remedy that for her Christmas present.
- Once Dan and I got back to my parents' we all had lunch and then took apart some exercise equipment that my parents are letting us borrow for the house. Exercise regimen - HERE WE COME!
- We headed over to a brother's house to help him with networking issues, and had dinner.
- Finally, we were home with a couple hours to spare until bedtime.

- Back to the daily grind of work.
- Met with our small group for the third week of our Consumed journey.
- We were challenged this week to buy everything with cash (no credit - we hardly use anyway) and give up one thing that consumes our time. I think this is consuming my time right now, but Mary Ellen won't let me give it up (wink, wink). Maybe I do need to give up the evening computer time now that my photos are all uploaded, and the blog is updated.
- Dan wanted to go all extreme with the week-long challenge and give up one thing that consumes our time, and NOT SPENDING ANYTHING at all. He's already borrowed cleaning supplies from a friend so we can clean our house this weekend (and his friend made up a hilarious joke email about the whole thing).
- Dan's so hard core - he gave up TELEVISION for a week! He's allowed to watch it while we're home for our lunch hour, but that's it.
- The band on my wrist is to remind me of the challenge.

A neutral? We haven't made much progress on packing because it's hard to pack when YOU'RE NOT HOME. Or when you just plain ole' have other stuff to do. We are on track, though. The living room, dining room, and decorations/wall art are pretty much done. This week is planned for the office and I have no idea where to start. Blogging probably isn't the best place to start.
A positive? Construction is making its way to us with the expansion of the main road here, and it seems we'll be moving just in time. Or maybe not fast enough, as Dan thinks. The orange barrels and large machinery are not pretty, and people don't know how to drive around them.
Another positive? Even though we're moving away from the nice expansion here with a bike trail and whatever else, our new neighborhood has two pools, sidewalks and nature trails, and a park that's all quiet and all for us insiders (and their GUESTS). Awesome possum.
Yet another? I was thinking about our moving announcements the other night and Dan came up with the best idea for them. He's so creative. They're in the process now... just not sure if I will send them out right after we move, or if I'll wait and combine them with a house-warming party.
That's enough babbling for tonight. I'm going to see what I can get done while there's time!
P.S. We get our house in LESS THAN TWO DAYS!