Monday, March 13, 2006

It must be Monday...

...because I'm actually posting!

So let's see...Gina and Stephanie had this quiz on the blogs and I thought it would be fun to do while I'm sitting here watching a movie with the boy. Feel free to do it also if you're reading this!

1. Legal First name? Victoria

2. Were you named after anyone? dad's first initial is my middle initial

3. Do you wish on stars? No

4. When did you last cry? Within the last two weeks

5. What is your favorite lunch meat? Ham

6. What is your birth date? October 22nd

7. What is your most embarrassing CD/tape? Hmmm...I don't think I have any embarrassing ones, though there might be an old school Mariah Carey sitting around somewhere. That could be embarrassing!

8. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Of course, and I'd have crafty get-togethers

9. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh yes...

10. What are your nicknames? Vic, Vizzle, Vicki, V

11. Would you bungee jump? Definitely not! I'm afraid to look over the edge of my own front porch, there's no way I'd willingly fall to the earth hanging by a rope! :)

12. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off ? Yes

14. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate!

15. Shoe Size? 10/11

16. Red or pink? Pink!

17. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I'll have to steal Gina's answer on this one, my snappy (read: bitchy) side

18. Who do you miss most? A lot of people, can't really choose just one

19. Favorite past-time? Do you even have to ask? Scrapbooking!

20. What color pants/skirt & shoes are you wearing? Dark blue AE comfy track pants, light blue fleece top, no shoes just white socks

21. What are you listening to right now? The ending credits of Jarhead

22. What did you eat for breakfast? Coffee...then went to campus to give a final exam and ate my lunch

23. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple!

24. What is the weather like right now? Nasty cloudy, I think it finally stopped raining

25. Last person you talked to on the phone? Um, my mom yesterday when I was on my way to visit gramma at the hospital

26. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Sense of humor, smile/looks

27. coffee or tea? Can I say both? Coffee and iced tea, actually

28. Favorite Drink? Iced tea or Sex on the Beach

29. Hair Color? Dirty blonde

30. Do you wear contacts? Yep, or glasses when the mood suits me

31. Favorite Food? Too many to mention...though Thai Beef Teriyaki holds a special place in my stomach

32. Last Movie You Watched? "Jarhead"

33. Favorite Day of the Year? Thanksgiving

34. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Have to love the happy endings!

35. Summer or winter? Summer

36. Hugs OR Kisses? I'm cheating again and going with both

37. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Cinnabon Cheesecake from Friday's

38. Have you ever won any awards? Yup...I got a ton of honor roll and outstanding spelling awards when I was younger, I actually got one of the Presidential Fitness award things in HS even though I could hardly run a mile to save my life...I was in National Honor Society in HS and in a sorority in college (if you can call those awards), Dean's List, yada yada...

39. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Just piercings in the ears, two holes in each and one in my left cartilage

40. Living Arrangements? In an apartment with my cutie and one of his friends from college

41. What Books Are You Reading? No books, just magazines...scrapping magazines. I used to get every issue of Cosmo, but never read them

42. What's On Your Mouse Pad? I don't have one

43. What did you watch last night on TV: Whatever was DVR'd from the past few days. I think we watched House and Survivor?

44. Favorite Smell? Dan's cologne (100 cc that he bought in London)

45. Favorite Junk Food? Anything chocolate, or spicy Doritos

46. Rolling Stones or Beatles? The Beatles

47. What's the farthest you've been from home? California to visit my sister...Laguna Beach and Hollywood to hit up Universal Studios

Okay, I'm zonked, but I'll be back tomorrow with layouts and a Self Portrait Tuesday!


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