Mish mash o'stuff!
Wow, what a week I've had! I don't even know where to start!
I guess last week at this time I went to visit my gramma in the hospital for a broken bone(s). If I understand the story, she lost her balance at home and fell back onto a wall and to the floor. I think it's lucky she had the wall to catch her, even though she ended up breaking a bone, because if she would've fallen straight back who knows if she would be here today. She was doing pretty well when Dan and I went to visit her, and she was scheduled to start therapy within a couple days. She's such a cute little woman...she kept offering us chocolates and drinks while we were there in her hospital room. She can't stop being a hostess even for a day! :)
Come Saturday, Dan and I were being pretty lazy and just had a couple of errands to run when I got a voicemail from my dad saying there's an emergency, and to call him back. WHAT?! If he was trying to get me to drop everything and call ASAP he sure did it right! I was so sure that he was going to say something happened to gramma, or that she was doing worse...but no...this time it was mom! Leave it to gramma and mom to be in the hospital at the same time. So, the story was that mom wasn't feeling well and had pain in her chest. She and dad were at some motorcycle thing, and she stepped outside to get some air. The pain only got worse and she wanted to sit in the car, but she collapsed in the parking lot. She was also doing a lot better when we got to the hospital, but they were running a bunch of tests over the weekend. I didn't get any calls from mom and dad yesterday, so I'm not sure if she's home yet.
Also Saturday, Rob had a battle of the bands to go to, and I guess dad was going to be his ride with half of their equipment. Guess who got to be the fill-in for that one? You guessed it, but Dan came along too and drove the van/trailer for me. So...what we thought was only going to be an hour or so watching Rob and his band play...five hours later we were able to pack up their equipment. They were really good, though, considering the small stage and the basement-full of stuff they wanted to hook up! They tied for second-place, so I'd say they were darn good! And I took pictures while Dan video-taped the show. Did I mention that Dan bought a digital video cam? It's so cute! :)

Christian (2nd guitar), Doug (1st guitar/singer), Rob (drums), Jared (bass), [some new lead singer guy], and Brandon (keyboard)
Anyone want an autograph? It might be worth something someday, hehe. Oh, and here's me by the end of the night...sexy huh? I'll do autographs, too.

What else...Sunday was Kris' birthday, one of Dan's little brothers. He turned the big 1-0! We got him a bunch of baseball stuff because he'll be starting to play this year. We were at D*ck's looking for something to buy, looking like dorks who know nothing about sports, ha! I called one of my older brothers who has his twin boys in sports and he helped us out with some good suggestions.
Man, I'm boring myself this afternoon...I need better material.
Oh, it is SNOWING today! I thought it was funny on the news last night that people acted like it was the end of the world - first day of spring and the forecast says snow. Umm...I hate to break it to ya, but this isn't a new thing is it? I remember having snow in April before! I love the snow personally, so whenever the white stuff wants to fall from the sky I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, though, I would love for the warm weather to be here already! The news was interviewing a doctor about mood changes and stuff, saying how people can be happy with the warmer weather coming, and the unexpected snow can sadden or depress some. Eh, whatever, I took pictures! Here's our view from the porch...lovely view of the city street and my ghetto-booty car. They say cars resemble their owners, or vice versa? Yes, I'm looking more and more like my car every month, lol!

Oh, oh, OH! Did you all notice the new little category I added to my bloggie? Look to the right...up a little...yep, there it is! This little guy was inspired by Stephanie last week when I was explaining the Wizz RSS extension for Firefox to her, and she (jokingly, I believe) said that I
should make a tips sheet! HA, well joking or not, after she made that statement it just had to be done! I was on a mission! This weekend didn't help much with that mission, but I got a lot of it done on Sunday. So, in true Gina Miller style, I made the tips sheet and posted it to my side column. Let me know how the link works (or doesn't) because it wasn't working when I uploaded it to the first server, but it's worked for me so far where it is now.
Okay, now that it's taken me a stinkin' hour just to upload all of these photos today (*ahem* because of a certain blogger photo uploader), it's time to roll out a to-do list. My darling will be off of work tomorrow, so we can probably do some of this stuff then, but I want to see the list and be held accountable anyway! :)
I guess last week at this time I went to visit my gramma in the hospital for a broken bone(s). If I understand the story, she lost her balance at home and fell back onto a wall and to the floor. I think it's lucky she had the wall to catch her, even though she ended up breaking a bone, because if she would've fallen straight back who knows if she would be here today. She was doing pretty well when Dan and I went to visit her, and she was scheduled to start therapy within a couple days. She's such a cute little woman...she kept offering us chocolates and drinks while we were there in her hospital room. She can't stop being a hostess even for a day! :)
Come Saturday, Dan and I were being pretty lazy and just had a couple of errands to run when I got a voicemail from my dad saying there's an emergency, and to call him back. WHAT?! If he was trying to get me to drop everything and call ASAP he sure did it right! I was so sure that he was going to say something happened to gramma, or that she was doing worse...but no...this time it was mom! Leave it to gramma and mom to be in the hospital at the same time. So, the story was that mom wasn't feeling well and had pain in her chest. She and dad were at some motorcycle thing, and she stepped outside to get some air. The pain only got worse and she wanted to sit in the car, but she collapsed in the parking lot. She was also doing a lot better when we got to the hospital, but they were running a bunch of tests over the weekend. I didn't get any calls from mom and dad yesterday, so I'm not sure if she's home yet.
Also Saturday, Rob had a battle of the bands to go to, and I guess dad was going to be his ride with half of their equipment. Guess who got to be the fill-in for that one? You guessed it, but Dan came along too and drove the van/trailer for me. So...what we thought was only going to be an hour or so watching Rob and his band play...five hours later we were able to pack up their equipment. They were really good, though, considering the small stage and the basement-full of stuff they wanted to hook up! They tied for second-place, so I'd say they were darn good! And I took pictures while Dan video-taped the show. Did I mention that Dan bought a digital video cam? It's so cute! :)

Christian (2nd guitar), Doug (1st guitar/singer), Rob (drums), Jared (bass), [some new lead singer guy], and Brandon (keyboard)
Anyone want an autograph? It might be worth something someday, hehe. Oh, and here's me by the end of the night...sexy huh? I'll do autographs, too.

What else...Sunday was Kris' birthday, one of Dan's little brothers. He turned the big 1-0! We got him a bunch of baseball stuff because he'll be starting to play this year. We were at D*ck's looking for something to buy, looking like dorks who know nothing about sports, ha! I called one of my older brothers who has his twin boys in sports and he helped us out with some good suggestions.
Man, I'm boring myself this afternoon...I need better material.
Oh, it is SNOWING today! I thought it was funny on the news last night that people acted like it was the end of the world - first day of spring and the forecast says snow. Umm...I hate to break it to ya, but this isn't a new thing is it? I remember having snow in April before! I love the snow personally, so whenever the white stuff wants to fall from the sky I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, though, I would love for the warm weather to be here already! The news was interviewing a doctor about mood changes and stuff, saying how people can be happy with the warmer weather coming, and the unexpected snow can sadden or depress some. Eh, whatever, I took pictures! Here's our view from the porch...lovely view of the city street and my ghetto-booty car. They say cars resemble their owners, or vice versa? Yes, I'm looking more and more like my car every month, lol!

Oh, oh, OH! Did you all notice the new little category I added to my bloggie? Look to the right...up a little...yep, there it is! This little guy was inspired by Stephanie last week when I was explaining the Wizz RSS extension for Firefox to her, and she (jokingly, I believe) said that I

Okay, now that it's taken me a stinkin' hour just to upload all of these photos today (*ahem* because of a certain blogger photo uploader), it's time to roll out a to-do list. My darling will be off of work tomorrow, so we can probably do some of this stuff then, but I want to see the list and be held accountable anyway! :)
take a showerget more creamer and cream eggsput dishes in the dishwasher...run itput laundry awayinput exam scores and submit grades- finish web page i'm working on
start putting survey together- do Chick's Life challenge from last week (use green)
- do Chick's Life challenge for this week (about green)
- finish Life Shared challenge from two weeks ago (childhood relationships)
- do Life Shared challenge from last week (romantic relationship)...how did I get so behind on my challenges, holy cow!
- do Life Shared challenge for this week (famous people)
- use Holly and Kimberly's new collab. kit coming Thursday!
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