SPT and a word to the wise...
...to stay away from coffee-flavored yogart! Uhck! I bought it thinking that it was vanilla yogart, since that's actually pretty good, but when I opened the lid it was brown! I thought it had gone bad until I looked at the flavor...COFFEE. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, but no such luck. It was nasty!
So...Self Portrait Tuesday was all about the clutter in my life this past week. Man, there's a lot of clutter! You'll probably recognize the first picture from last week, since I decided to trash my first two photos and start fresh. These are all pretty self-explanatory, but include different things that I worked on or had laying around. Note to self: CLEAN!

1: my desk full of articles, candy, to-do notes, coffee, scrapping stuff, etc.
2: watching tv with laptop, chipolte dinner, and church series workbook
3: craft stuff I've been working on lately; stuff I brought from parents' house
4: chocolate!
5: after-dinner dishes that didn't want to be washed yet
6: student journals to be graded
7: sorting through photos, organizing them by time
In other news...I haven't been to Kroger or Bigg's lately, but while I was at Meijer last week I picked up an Irish Creme coffee creamer. They had a ton of others like Vanilla Caramel which is next on the list, Hazelnut, Cinnamon Vanilla I think, and a chocolate one which is also on the list. Irish Creme is nothing to scream about, I actually like the French Vanilla better...live and learn! I only want to buy one at a time though, that way I actually use them, lol.
Have you guys heard of Daniel Powter? I know I'm behind the times, but I hadn't heard of him before a few weeks ago, but after hearing his "Bad Day" song on American Idol, I had to download some of his songs! I really like his one called "Lost on the Stoop," and he's good to scrap to for some reason. Even his emotional/sappy songs are pretty upbeat.
So it's finals week now and I have one final down and two to go for my students! I want to make a hair appointment for this week or next, but I'm not sure what I want to do. It needs a trim to get rid of some of the weight while it's growing out, but my "hair girl" (what do they call them now, stylists?...whatever) and I talked about doing highlights this time. I haven't had highlights in like two years...since my hair has been so short there was no point to pay the money and have them chopped out the next month. But will my budget allow highlights? ...that is the question. I think I need something new for spring! That would definitely boost my mood, and maybe the weather too!
Tanning...that's something else on the ole to-do list! I have a tanning package with my gym membership, now I just need to USE IT, dang it! Maybe Dan and I can go work out tonight and I'll tan while I'm at it. That sounds like a good idea right now, and I'm usually never pumped about going to work out. I think it's the place I go to that scares me, just because we're in a town where everyone cares what they look like and they ALL go to the gym. I've never seen more people out running than I have living here. I don't like being around people when I'm working out...so I like that my place has a women's area, but still...eeek!
Anyway...I promised layouts and I do have a few of them from last week! I still need to do the challenge in my altered book because I haven't been able to scan the pictures. Dan's scanner doesn't want to connect to my computer through the network, and my printer/scanner is at my parents' house. I should have that done soon, but it may not have pictures. Okay...rambling.
I am in LOVE with this first layout! I did it last week with Holly and Kristy's new "Create" kit, which is amazing! Oh, and did I mention that Holly got her new site and shoppe up and running? It's so cool, click on that link there and check it out! I have a page with the rest of the Fairy Chicks, I'm famous!

The second layout was for TDC's Chick's Life challenge last week. Michelle gave us a prompt about money, just what I needed, huh?

Papers and alpha - Jen Wilson's "Forest Glen" layers collection
Receipt - Gina Miller's Bulletin Board kit
Fonts - Distress and Fontastic
And lastly...cutie baby me!

Kit - Holly McCaig's "Shabby Meadows" pulled from the archives
Flowers and date pin - also Holly's
Straight stitch - Kathy Moore's
Torn paper action - Atomic Cupcake
Fonts - Milk & Cereal and Vicki's Scribble (1982)
I think it's about time I got my butt in the shower today! Oh, and I've been trying to change my night-owl hours lately so Dan doesn't have to go to bed alone...so I've gone to bed around 11 or 12 with him, and I'm trying to get up at 8. Unsuccessful! I've woken up at 11 yesterday and today. At least I'm waking up earlier than 1 or 2 in the afternoon, right? It's a start? I'll keep ya posted!
Shower time!
So...Self Portrait Tuesday was all about the clutter in my life this past week. Man, there's a lot of clutter! You'll probably recognize the first picture from last week, since I decided to trash my first two photos and start fresh. These are all pretty self-explanatory, but include different things that I worked on or had laying around. Note to self: CLEAN!

1: my desk full of articles, candy, to-do notes, coffee, scrapping stuff, etc.
2: watching tv with laptop, chipolte dinner, and church series workbook
3: craft stuff I've been working on lately; stuff I brought from parents' house
4: chocolate!
5: after-dinner dishes that didn't want to be washed yet
6: student journals to be graded
7: sorting through photos, organizing them by time
In other news...I haven't been to Kroger or Bigg's lately, but while I was at Meijer last week I picked up an Irish Creme coffee creamer. They had a ton of others like Vanilla Caramel which is next on the list, Hazelnut, Cinnamon Vanilla I think, and a chocolate one which is also on the list. Irish Creme is nothing to scream about, I actually like the French Vanilla better...live and learn! I only want to buy one at a time though, that way I actually use them, lol.
Have you guys heard of Daniel Powter? I know I'm behind the times, but I hadn't heard of him before a few weeks ago, but after hearing his "Bad Day" song on American Idol, I had to download some of his songs! I really like his one called "Lost on the Stoop," and he's good to scrap to for some reason. Even his emotional/sappy songs are pretty upbeat.
So it's finals week now and I have one final down and two to go for my students! I want to make a hair appointment for this week or next, but I'm not sure what I want to do. It needs a trim to get rid of some of the weight while it's growing out, but my "hair girl" (what do they call them now, stylists?...whatever) and I talked about doing highlights this time. I haven't had highlights in like two years...since my hair has been so short there was no point to pay the money and have them chopped out the next month. But will my budget allow highlights? ...that is the question. I think I need something new for spring! That would definitely boost my mood, and maybe the weather too!
Tanning...that's something else on the ole to-do list! I have a tanning package with my gym membership, now I just need to USE IT, dang it! Maybe Dan and I can go work out tonight and I'll tan while I'm at it. That sounds like a good idea right now, and I'm usually never pumped about going to work out. I think it's the place I go to that scares me, just because we're in a town where everyone cares what they look like and they ALL go to the gym. I've never seen more people out running than I have living here. I don't like being around people when I'm working out...so I like that my place has a women's area, but still...eeek!
Anyway...I promised layouts and I do have a few of them from last week! I still need to do the challenge in my altered book because I haven't been able to scan the pictures. Dan's scanner doesn't want to connect to my computer through the network, and my printer/scanner is at my parents' house. I should have that done soon, but it may not have pictures. Okay...rambling.
I am in LOVE with this first layout! I did it last week with Holly and Kristy's new "Create" kit, which is amazing! Oh, and did I mention that Holly got her new site and shoppe up and running? It's so cool, click on that link there and check it out! I have a page with the rest of the Fairy Chicks, I'm famous!

The second layout was for TDC's Chick's Life challenge last week. Michelle gave us a prompt about money, just what I needed, huh?

Papers and alpha - Jen Wilson's "Forest Glen" layers collection
Receipt - Gina Miller's Bulletin Board kit
Fonts - Distress and Fontastic
And lastly...cutie baby me!

Kit - Holly McCaig's "Shabby Meadows" pulled from the archives
Flowers and date pin - also Holly's
Straight stitch - Kathy Moore's
Torn paper action - Atomic Cupcake
Fonts - Milk & Cereal and Vicki's Scribble (1982)
I think it's about time I got my butt in the shower today! Oh, and I've been trying to change my night-owl hours lately so Dan doesn't have to go to bed alone...so I've gone to bed around 11 or 12 with him, and I'm trying to get up at 8. Unsuccessful! I've woken up at 11 yesterday and today. At least I'm waking up earlier than 1 or 2 in the afternoon, right? It's a start? I'll keep ya posted!
Shower time!
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