Holy burrito, Chipotle!
Haha, I love seeing that billboard every time I drive north on the highway. And as an added plug, Dan and I had Chipotle for dinner tonight. We're both in the dumps with sinuses/allergies and I suggested a non-cooking night. I'm such a good girlfriend, lol. Though I did pay this time because I got my tax return plopped into my checking account today! Let's all sing Hallelujah! I won't be seeing that money for long before it goes toward my credit card, though, so I guess I better sing my praises while I can. Have I mentioned lately that I haven't put a PENNY on my credit card since the beginning of February? Goodness, it's been hard.
Speaking of hard, I've been going through tons of "red tape" with my school schedule and funding. Let's just say that I'd like to give my college offices a big thumbs up for all they put me through! After the quarter started a month ago, (here's the cliff's notes version, try to keep up) I needed one credit hour to be eligible for my student health insurance...my director takes his good and easy time getting back to me about what credit hour I can take while working on my paper...register and receive a late fee...they can't do anything about the late fee...I can't receive funding because I'm not a student anymore (WHAT?)...crying, crying...go to advisor and she makes the funding happen...un-register from one credit and add twelve credits...get my funding...get another late fee...call and beg for the late fees to be taken off...I think after hearing my long story they zonked out and just said okay...still have to pay a $100 technology fee after all is said and done...won't be surprised if I get a late fee after paying that. You know, I thought graduate students were special! We've paid our dues, we've done our time, cut us some slack! I'm climbing down from my soap box now, I hope all of these shenanigans are over with.
Last week we decided to have my parents over for dinner since they've never seen our place. Being the chef that Dan is, he pulled out the cookbook and chose something good to whip together. He was off work for Good Friday, so while I was teaching he cleaned almost the entire apartment, got the food prepped, and really worked his tail off. By the time I got home I was able to help him cook the dinner, and dye the eggs I had boiled the day before. I think my parents had a good time! We even had dessert and I made them coffee. Ahhhh, the day I get to make THEM coffee, it's a priceless moment! :) OH, and because I thought some hanging flowers would look really nice on the porch where there are old hooks, Dan went out that day to get a few more food items and also picked up some hanging PURPLE plants. We had a beautiful porch to eat dinner on with my parents and enjoy the weather.
Our lovely Easter Sunday was spent with Dan's family and a BOATload of candy. I don't think I could eat all of this candy in the next year if my life depended on it. My mom and Dan both got me baskets, purple ones no doubt, then we got BAGS of candy from Dan's parents, grandparents, and aunt. I took pictures, and I'm sure you'll see them in a layout. Ah, and I almost forgot the biggest part...before Easter I wanted to stock up on cream eggs because they are the chocolate of all chocolates, so I bought like four of the 4-packs at the store. Weeeellllllllll...not only do I have those to last me until next Easter, I also got a ton of them in our family bags, and Dan bought me a flippin' box of 48 cream eggs PLUS he put five more 4-packs in my basket. Holy cow!! There aren't enough hours in the day to eat these things! This candy really isn't helping my working-out and trying to be healthier. I'll have to thank my mom for giving me her sweet tooth!
Here's the pretty basket that Dan put together for me ...
...and after we sorted all of the bags into containers, here's SOME of what we ended up with. Oh yes, there's more in buckets.
Alrighty, so the 21 challenge ended with a bang! I felt so good on the last day of the challenge, like I could conquer anything and work out like 10 minutes longer than usual, hehe. We've had to skip the last couple days, though, after coming down with the allergy plague. I'm itching to get back to the gym and tanning bed! I just don't want to push my body while it feels so exhausted.
I've been applying for a few jobs lately, but I don't really want to jinx myself. I happen to have an interview with one of them in a couple weeks! I think it would be a really fun job, so cross your fingers or send some prayers my way! ;)
I have a few layouts and 21-challenge mini pages sitting on the back-burner waiting to be finished. There are two layouts I could show, but I'm not sure if I completely like them yet, so I'm waiting until I have time to make finishing touches. I also need to use Holly McCaig and Gina Miller's awesome collaborative kit that came out today called "Summer Home." M-AZing!
I think that's all I can remember for now. I'm off to work on some more of my paper! Have a fabulous weekend!
Speaking of hard, I've been going through tons of "red tape" with my school schedule and funding. Let's just say that I'd like to give my college offices a big thumbs up for all they put me through! After the quarter started a month ago, (here's the cliff's notes version, try to keep up) I needed one credit hour to be eligible for my student health insurance...my director takes his good and easy time getting back to me about what credit hour I can take while working on my paper...register and receive a late fee...they can't do anything about the late fee...I can't receive funding because I'm not a student anymore (WHAT?)...crying, crying...go to advisor and she makes the funding happen...un-register from one credit and add twelve credits...get my funding...get another late fee...call and beg for the late fees to be taken off...I think after hearing my long story they zonked out and just said okay...still have to pay a $100 technology fee after all is said and done...won't be surprised if I get a late fee after paying that. You know, I thought graduate students were special! We've paid our dues, we've done our time, cut us some slack! I'm climbing down from my soap box now, I hope all of these shenanigans are over with.
Last week we decided to have my parents over for dinner since they've never seen our place. Being the chef that Dan is, he pulled out the cookbook and chose something good to whip together. He was off work for Good Friday, so while I was teaching he cleaned almost the entire apartment, got the food prepped, and really worked his tail off. By the time I got home I was able to help him cook the dinner, and dye the eggs I had boiled the day before. I think my parents had a good time! We even had dessert and I made them coffee. Ahhhh, the day I get to make THEM coffee, it's a priceless moment! :) OH, and because I thought some hanging flowers would look really nice on the porch where there are old hooks, Dan went out that day to get a few more food items and also picked up some hanging PURPLE plants. We had a beautiful porch to eat dinner on with my parents and enjoy the weather.
Our lovely Easter Sunday was spent with Dan's family and a BOATload of candy. I don't think I could eat all of this candy in the next year if my life depended on it. My mom and Dan both got me baskets, purple ones no doubt, then we got BAGS of candy from Dan's parents, grandparents, and aunt. I took pictures, and I'm sure you'll see them in a layout. Ah, and I almost forgot the biggest part...before Easter I wanted to stock up on cream eggs because they are the chocolate of all chocolates, so I bought like four of the 4-packs at the store. Weeeellllllllll...not only do I have those to last me until next Easter, I also got a ton of them in our family bags, and Dan bought me a flippin' box of 48 cream eggs PLUS he put five more 4-packs in my basket. Holy cow!! There aren't enough hours in the day to eat these things! This candy really isn't helping my working-out and trying to be healthier. I'll have to thank my mom for giving me her sweet tooth!

Alrighty, so the 21 challenge ended with a bang! I felt so good on the last day of the challenge, like I could conquer anything and work out like 10 minutes longer than usual, hehe. We've had to skip the last couple days, though, after coming down with the allergy plague. I'm itching to get back to the gym and tanning bed! I just don't want to push my body while it feels so exhausted.
I've been applying for a few jobs lately, but I don't really want to jinx myself. I happen to have an interview with one of them in a couple weeks! I think it would be a really fun job, so cross your fingers or send some prayers my way! ;)
I have a few layouts and 21-challenge mini pages sitting on the back-burner waiting to be finished. There are two layouts I could show, but I'm not sure if I completely like them yet, so I'm waiting until I have time to make finishing touches. I also need to use Holly McCaig and Gina Miller's awesome collaborative kit that came out today called "Summer Home." M-AZing!
I think that's all I can remember for now. I'm off to work on some more of my paper! Have a fabulous weekend!
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