#51 - check! Addition to our family...
Nope, it's not another kitty baby (or any other kind of baby for that matter). It will be treated like the little monster it is, though. And it officially marks #51 off my 101 in 1001 list. I'll wait if you want to check out what #51 is ...
...go ahead and look...
...I have time, don't worry...
...I am getting anxious to tell you, though...
...figure it out yet?...
Okay, I'll give you some clues if you didn't want to look. ;) We've been looking all around for one of these the last couple weeks, knowing they weren't supposed to ship until mid-September. Some stores had them, though, so we tried our luck whenever we were out. After church on Sunday we checked out this store across the street, but were left disappointed. We also stopped at this place on the way to visit my parents - also with no luck because they had only received ONE last week and it sold quicker than it arrived. We had one more shot with this store up by my parents' house.
They had the sticker out in the display case, but no display - that's what we REALLY wanted - to see and hold one. We asked an employee if they had any in stock... and they had ONE. ONE! Dan asked the guy if we could open it since there wasn't a display, but he had to go find out first. I was confused and thought that the guy was going to find out if it was the display or if he could actually sell it, and ready to bring on the tears if we couldn't have it. (Other locations had told us that they couldn't sell the new models until they sold the previous models, crazy!) It was such a pretty box sitting in the cabinet, and I kept my eye on it until the sales guy came back. Not like it could've gone anywhere in a locked cabinet, you know, but whatever.
In the meantime, the second sales guy in the department said the box would have to be opened eventually, so he did it for us. Mmmm, one touch and it was love. I was downright giddy. There was no turning back now! We bought the new Canon 40D!
We got the kit that came with 28-135 mm lens because it was a GREAT deal... and we couldn't really take photos without a lens. We opened it up at my parents and played around with it all night. Photos of the cats, the car, grass, trees, you name it. KIDS in a candy store, that's what we were. I also got a really awesome shot of my mom by the kitchen window. I was so stoked about the natural light photos. I knew there was a big difference between the "big guys" and the little shooters, but holy cow. My mom would like to have my little point-and-shoot since we have the monster now (and I handed her my last p-a-s, but my brother keeps taking it from her). We're still going to keep the little one around for easy travel and such, though.
So that's about it on this topic since I'm off to dreamland, but I'll show some photos soon. Our kitties had an exclusive photo shoot last night and they're adorable. Until next time, I'm trying to read up on the manual so I know what all of the CRAZY FUNCTIONS DO!
Totally jealous over here! Congrats on the new family member. ;)
Congrats on your bundle of joy!
If you need a baby sitter - I'm available anytime! ;)
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