Saturday, September 1, 2007

101 in 1001...

Day ONE.

So it begins, my 1001 days of goal accomplishing goodness. BIG, small, fabulous, not so fabulous - all things that I've been meaning to achieve or would like to jump into. The list filled up fast! Some I know I can achieve easily and want to be motivated by crossing them off, others will obviously take longer and be more challenging. I didn't want to set myself up for failure - REALISTIC goals - I know my limits.

I also made a section of repeating things in hopes of creating great habits. Why only do something for two months? Well, because it's unrealistic to make myself do it the entire 1001 days, and if I can do it for two months I may want to continue it regardless of the list. WHAT A JOURNEY this will be. I ran the list through #75 because I wanted to leave some space for growing with new loves and goals in the next 2.75 years. Who knows, I may even fill it up by the end of September. And I reserve the right to add new goals in place of ones completed. ;)

Check out the home of the 101 in 100 list, mucho cool.

Let's get to THE LIST! I'm posting it here to read, and will post about the completion stories here, but will be keeping it up in my Google documents because it's way easier. I'll put a nice link in the sidebar, though.

BEGIN: September 01, 2007
END: May 28, 2010

  1. Complete at least one scrapbook page a month
  2. Bring out the old yoga mat - do once a week for two months
  3. Blog once a week for two months
  4. Hang out with Sheri once every three months
  5. Hang out with Mandy once every three months
  6. Hang out with Rob once every two months
  7. Throw a party at our place once a year
  8. Sort the mail upon walking in the door - do for two months
  9. Participate in two church activities each year (not including Thanksgiving food drive)
  10. Have date night with hubby every other week
  11. Create a habit of only snoozing my alarm once in the morning
  12. Create a habit of getting eight hours of sleep every night
  13. Take a photo of myself everyday for a year
  14. Join Dan twice a year in something he enjoys (hiking, skiing, etc.)
  1. Get shelf put up to display wedding things
  2. Have select wedding photos printed for each set of parents - give in albums
  3. Make guestbook - find and fill an album with wishing well cards and guest photos
  4. Make our wedding photo album - find and fill an album after printing all wedding photos
  5. Make our honeymoon photo album - ditto above
  6. Finish making photo DVDs for families and attendants that want copies
  7. Make video DVDs for families and attendants that want copies
  8. Have select wedding photos printed to fill our wall frames

  9. Visit with Bev and Jenny for dinner and their wedding gifts
  10. Have family(ies) together for a photo shoot
  11. Have my grandma fill out a question/answer book about her life
  12. Put together a rough draft of my family tree
  13. Make a cross-stitch of Dan's and my immediate family tree (like Sheri's)
  14. Find a balance for visiting both sets of parents each month
  15. Take Alex and Jared out for a day (nephews)
  16. Take Megan, Brittany and Bo out for a day (nieces and nephew)

  17. Have a picnic outside
  18. Go out to have dinner and see a play
  19. Go to The Beach Waterpark and reminisce my teenage employment
  20. Go camping and don't forget the s'mores
  21. Go to Disney World with my hubby
  22. Go on a weekend road trip
  23. Go on vacation to a place I've never been
  24. Spoil myself with a day at the spa
  25. Go to the WEBN Labor Day fireworks in 2008 and 2009 (time to catch up)

  26. Read the rest of the Harry Potter series (#4, 5, 6, 7) and see available movies
  27. Finish crocheting the purple and green blanket I started in college
  28. Finish crocheting the winter scarf I started for myself
  29. Setup the beginnings of my dream craft studio when we buy a house
  30. Get my piano moved from my parents' house to our new house - have it tuned
  31. Learn a new piano song
  32. Create/stock up on cards for all occasions - with divided storage container
  33. Organize photos and scrapping kits on my external hard drive
  34. Finish backing up my laptop and synchronize it with my external
  35. Help Rob with the vacation scrapbook he wants to create
  36. Become better at drawing with my Wacom
  37. Buy a digital SLR camera
  38. Learn how to use Adobe Lightroom with the new camera photos
  39. Take a digital photography class to learn the new camera (or take advantage of Sheri)
  40. Create some personal art for our walls (digital or not)
  41. Get out my acrylic paints, oil paints, and pencil crayons - use them!
  42. Do something crafty with the 365 photos of myself (see repeat goal above)
  43. Attend a craft industry trade show (or other art/craft event)

  44. Get to a launching/opening point
  45. Put together a sample book of invitation paper weights, enclosures, etc.
  46. Design eco-friendly business philosophy (digital invoices, minimal paper waste, etc.)
  47. Read three books that will help with our business
  48. Design marketing materials and strategy for distribution

  49. Buy a house in Spring 2008
  50. Try to meet other young married couples in our area - have them over
  51. Meet someone in person that I know only online
  52. Maintain my current weight (or better)
  53. Decide on current career
  54. Get new prescription glasses (or look into Lasik)
  55. Go through boxes of old mail with Dan - sort and shred trash mail
  56. Vote in a presidential election for the first time
  57. Sort through the clothes in my closet - donate or sell things I don't wear
  58. Sort through totes at parents' house to decide what I want to keep/sell
  59. Minimize clutter - give everything a home
  60. Get a new duvet and curtain set for our bedroom
  61. Figure out where I want to volunteer bi-weekly at church

  62. ...


Sheri September 7, 2007 at 10:26 AM  

Yay! I made the list. And we will definitely have to get together again for an SLR lesson. We ran out of time to do that last time you were here!

I wish I could accomplish a lot of the goals you have listed. Making lists is so fun, it's just hard to do everything on them!!! :-P If I didn't have to work, then I'd be all gung-ho about goals, haha! My goal is just to survive every day...

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