Down with the quickness...
It's now 6:30p and I'm giving myself an hour on this post. Otherwise, I'll get distracted and take ALL night. I noticed recently that an entire summer went by and I didn't accomplish much... or at least not the things I thought I should have accomplished. What happened? Apparently I am queen of easily-distracted. Honestly, you'd think that in three months I could have at least finished a website design, and gotten photo DVD's made of our wedding, NO? What the heck was I doing the last THREE months? Although, I can't take all the credit in this apartment for moseying around all summer, since our video DVD's are hardly started - that wasn't my job. ;)
So, most things went onto my 101 in 1001 list that I still need to tackle... but there are other strategies I need to go after, like not taking all night to write a blog post. I need to work smarter, faster, MAKE MORE TIME for other things that way - like cleaning. But who needs cleaning, honestly? Realization #726 - I am not a good housewife, plain and simple. I even get distracted doing that!
Really, if I want to be successful at this business thing, I need to go at my billable time full-force. Get the best from myself and the most out of every hour. With a 40-hour work week on top of it all - until the business floats - I NEED to work on eliminating distractions like the 100 blogs in my Google Reader. Yeeeeks! Choose the ones I know I keep with and leave it at that. Etc, etc, etc... minimizing and simplifying everywhere.
Enough of that boring topic, let's move on...
please say HELLO to 40D.
So, most things went onto my 101 in 1001 list that I still need to tackle... but there are other strategies I need to go after, like not taking all night to write a blog post. I need to work smarter, faster, MAKE MORE TIME for other things that way - like cleaning. But who needs cleaning, honestly? Realization #726 - I am not a good housewife, plain and simple. I even get distracted doing that!
Really, if I want to be successful at this business thing, I need to go at my billable time full-force. Get the best from myself and the most out of every hour. With a 40-hour work week on top of it all - until the business floats - I NEED to work on eliminating distractions like the 100 blogs in my Google Reader. Yeeeeks! Choose the ones I know I keep with and leave it at that. Etc, etc, etc... minimizing and simplifying everywhere.
Enough of that boring topic, let's move on...
please say HELLO to 40D.
This photo was taken before I figured out how to white balance. Indeed, I learned something yesterday. Like below - yellow bathroom and yellow me - turned to NOT yellow bathroom and natural pasty white me. All I did to these photos was a little unsharp mask and auto levels where needed, I didn't run any other filters or fancy schmancy things.
Photo of my mama I mentioned in the last post ...
Gotta throw in one of dad too...
This is little feisty Amber, kitty of my brother and his girlfriend...
(don't let her cuteness fool you)
(don't let her cuteness fool you)
A chair with overgrown something at my parents' house...
(Dan took this one since he'sobsessed a fan of nature shots)
(Dan took this one since he's
This is the clock we rescued from LNT, still with its broken hands...
Any idea where to buy humongous clock hands?
Any idea where to buy humongous clock hands?

My budding model, Merry - doesn't she look EMO? All she needs is a front chunk of hair to flip backwards and some jeans five sizes too small... That's for you Scott and Mel!
Miss Urpel - who has learned to talk since I last mentioned her. She has conversations with Dan on a daily basis... no kidding. But that's okay, because Merry flat out looks at me and says "mama." That's right. Oh, and this was taken before white balancing, but I liked it.

Moi... with a monster almost as big as my head.
Remind me to clean that bathroom mirror, will ya?
Remind me to clean that bathroom mirror, will ya?

This is a sign near our place as you get on the highway. Honestly, can you really prevent animals on foot from getting on the highway? LOL. "Umm, excuse me Mr. Deer... did you GET the memo?" Or are people in Kentucky just smart enough to think they can giddy-up their horse to their destination?

And with that, it is now 7:30p and my time to go! Perhaps "writing blog posts within an hour" should be added to my list. Have a FAB Friday!
Thanks for the shout out!
Mel & Scott
Yay for the Canon! I LOVE the pictures, isn't it so fun?? Sometimes you can get really great shots when the white balance is off (i.e. the cat in the sink). I really like the soft lighting of it. Also, on my Google Pics, there's one of two turtles. It's one of my favorite pics BECAUSE the white balance was set wrong. I just posted to my blog and all my pictures were from my Point and Shoot, and I thought, ICK! They are pretty crummy looking.
I also like the picture of you just holding the camera. I love the natural lighting with no flash. We need to meet for lessons sometime!
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