Coming clean...
Finally. Dan and I had a cleaning frenzy here this weekend. All that's left of our CLUTTER JUNGLE are the mail piles on the dining room table. We joked tonight that we should eat at that table one more time before we move to a house - since we've only sat there about three times since we moved here October 2006. Is that what that table's for? Ha, who knew.
Remember when I took those embarrassing photos of the office that I refused to show? Because they were so horrible? I'm going to post these and run - and never look back. (That's pretty much how the clutter got there, actually.) I can't take the humiliation of knowing that you saw our office like this. I can't believe our office looked like this. Yikes. It looks much better now. We can see the CARPET and have ROOM TO WALK. Amazing.
Before shots / After shots...
Now that those are safely behind us, let's never mention them again. We've got a vow over here to keep the place clean until we move. That's the goal. Done and goodbye mess.
Social weekend
Friday night we met with the Ricketts at Red Robin to celebrate Scott's birthday. Thanks for inviting us guys, it was yummy. Hope you had a smashing birthday! We also visited with my architect/builder/superhero brother that night to see what he thought about our housing choices so far, so that was good to refresh ourselves.
Saturday after a lot of cleaning, we went to run some errands, get some grub, and were invited to see a movie with one of Dan's friends. Cloverfield. We had no idea what this movie was about, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time... mainly because I didn't take my motion sickness pills and was hoping I wouldn't have to hurl in my popcorn bag. It was pretty good though, very thrilling if you can get past the camera shake.
This is my next crazy project, and what I'm using one of my Moleskines for. When I read the goal of the challenge I knew it was something I needed - and that it would be very cool. I'm catching up on the first three weeks pretty quickly, and I'm not stressing over the weekly deadlines. There are things that I need to let go, things I need to learn, and a good balance to be achieved for me to become the best me. I'm looking forward to it.
Something else cool - Ali's weekend creative. I took her prompt from the weekend and incorporated it into my daily photo. There are too many inspiring things going on right now.
Inside tree at church.
I love Ali's new challenges. I couldn't find any letters there weren't stickers! ha-ha. May need to invest in some blocks. Enjoy your nice clean office, come and clean mine anytime! :-)
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