The BID. IS. IN. Holy master baths and ceiling fans. We had our inspection yesterday and everything turned out as we expected. The house is a VA foreclosure, so there are a few cosmetic things to fix, but overall a great house in a stellar neighborhood for the money. AND everything we want. We already came up with an offer we thought was fair (and hopefully above the others) last week, and after our inspection we were ready to roll with that amount. All we had to do was call our realtor to send that baby on its way. Now... we wait. All offers are due by the fourth and a decision will be made by the eighth. THAT'S LIKE AN ETERNITY.
Cross your fingers and toes, send your prayers, use your magical powers, or do whatever it is you do. We love having your good thoughts - thanks.
Today - is Sheri's birthday. Missus just-got-back-from-a-cruise hasn't posted to her blog yet and I'm waiting to find out how her trip was... especially her excursion to Dunn's River Falls, Jamaica. Hopefully IRIE (pronounced eye-ree - meaning all good).
Today is also the last day of the month, in a year that's going by too quickly already. This weekend is the Superbowl service at church and Dan and I are stoked. I laugh so hard every year - I leave with aching cheeks. If you want to come to Cincinnati Saturday night to get in on the action, let me know. It'll be good times.
I found out the other day that I won't have to do early Wednesdays at work anymore, which I'm pretty excited for. For the 1.5+ years that I've worked at this job, I've had to drag my booty into work at SIX AM. Now I don't know about you, but I didn't know that 5:00 existed twice in one day before I had this job. I was shocked. But really, I think this will help me get on with the morning routine I want. So far it's failed miserably, but I have hope. At least now I can get up at the same time during the week instead of having one day all helter-skelter throwing off the rest of the week.
Other things right now:
- enjoying American Idol and
TheA Daily Show - waiting for LOST and Big Brother
- addicted to Terra chips
- finally sent in my laptop to get its sound wire repaired
(who knew how much I would miss working speakers) - hoping I get my laptop returned after the "you can't even ship me an EMPTY box correctly... hopefully you can send me a FILLED box correctly" issue
- Dan just got our desktop wireless keyboard working again
(good thing the man has enough keyboards and peripherals laying around to sink a boat) - laughing at my crazy cats who exhaust themselves running after a laser light
- trying to stay up past nine lately
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