The flowers were hung on the shelving with care...
Apparently, "I might be back later..." meant a week later. The last week just up and left, and I'm sitting here at the end of January already. Wowsers.
Home front: after my last post, Dan and I went and saw several houses. I said three, but it was more like four or five. None of them really matter except for ONE that we really like(d). By the next morning (Thursday) both of our stomachs were in knots because we couldn't decide between the top choice (house1) in our first grouping of 11+ homes, and this new one (house2). If you remember, house1 had the master bath issue (because it's sans jacuzzi tub and that's a no-no on my list), and house2 has everything we want in it. The more we thought about it, the more we really wanted house2. Buuuuut, since it was just reduced in price, the seller decided to wait 10 days to accept more bids. DRATS. The special contract on this house also requires any inspections to be done before you bid, so we're taking in inspectors tomorrow morning. If all turns out hunky dory, then we'll make an offer by Friday. The cut-off for offers is Monday the fourth, and the seller will make their decision then.
Oh, and let's not forget to mention that there are already TWO OFFERS standing on this house. So if you're so inclined, we would love some prayers sent our way that we put in the best offer. Muchas gracias.
Wedding front: all is done with Mandy's wedding and the happy couple are down at Disney for the week. Whew! A year's worth of planning over and gone, and a beautiful wedding to show for it. I carried the flowers above and now they're hanging happily to dry. I'll let the bride share her details when she returns. Now I plan to get my hair trimmed up and in some sort of style, even though the pulled back look has been my style of choice for a while now.
Tomorrow: hump day means working early. Dan and I will meet our inspectors (aka family members with varying super powers) around 10a and take them to lunch before returning to work. After that, who knows where the day will go. I still haven't figured out the scheduling-my-everyday thing or the routine thing. I've just been going with the flow of our home search and whatever else pops up. It's sure been nice to let go of things, but I think too much is flying in the air now. Time to bring it all back down to some level of predictable-ness and focus.
Goodnight Tuesday.
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