California dreamin'...
Today was my day off so I was able to get a few things done, yippee for that. All of my laundry is done, but now it's in a pile on my bed waiting to be put away. I was also able to do a third layout for the week, which I think is more than I've ever done in a week! I was so inspired by Holly's "Dare to Muse Me" challenge this week that I just had to join in on the action. I also packed up some of my scrap table stuff to take to Dan's this week. You know, the more I think about what to pack, the more I have no idea what to pack! Do I just take my entire room with me, or leave some of it here for whenever I *need* it? Ah well, time will run out and I'll have to throw a bunch of stuff in the car!
Now, on to the layouts!
This first one is the month-in-review layout for TDC's Chick's Life challenge.

Credits: Papers from Jen Wilson's "Mango Sunrise" layers upon layers collection and "J" from her "Day Dreamer" alpha. Pretty petals and fasteners from Holly McCaig. Straight stitching from Kathy Moore. Tag alpha from Ali Florendore. Fonts are Barbara Hand and Georgia (for "06").
Journaling: Now that it's the end of January, I think the only word that can describe this past month is "random." The weather hasn't decided if it's winter or spring. We've had one decent snow and some flurries here and there, but the rest of the days have been 40 or 50 degrees! I finally put together an outline for my publishable paper. Dan found a new hobby in rock climbing. I was finally able to have lunch with Ryan and Mandy on different Sundays and catch up with their lives. In fact, Mandy just moved into her own place this weekend! Dan and I got to celebrate Sheri's birthday with Olive Garden, tons of snacks, and a game of Cranium! I bought a cute, new cell phone - a purchase that was way overdue! Also, I've learned so much about myself this month from the layouts I've completed, it's awesome that I've captured so many memories. January sure was random, but it was definitely fun!
Next, these pictures have been sitting on my computer (and on my scrapping table in printed form) since last June and I really wanted to get them scrapped.

Credits: Kit is the new "Sweet on You" by Holly McCaig. Stamp alpha by Rebecca DiGrazio. Chipboard alpha by Dani Mogstad. Straight stitching by Kathy Moore. Fonts are Petra Script, Chromosome Light, and I Love Derwin.
Journaling: That Friday was a day I'll never was the day we became an official couple! We had the "official" conversation in the morning before Dan went off to work, and agreed to meet up for lunch downtown. For Dan's lunch break, I got to see some of the city and we met a couple of his friends at the Redfish restaurant. I still had to teach that day, so I couldn't stay too long after eating, but we decided to snap a couple official shots before I left. I was smiling the entire day!
Lastly, Holly posted her Muse Me challenge prompt and I couldn't resist the chance to do a layout looking back 10 years ago. I think I look exactly the same in the picture, just different hair, lol!

Credits: Kit is "Sugardoodle" by Mindy Terasawa. Corner swirly stamp by Carrie Stephens. Straight stitching by Kathy Moore. Index card by Jenna Robertson. Staple by Heather Roselli. Stamp alpha by Kim Lund. Font is Barbara Hand.
Journaling: Ten years ago would've been the beginning of 1996. I was 14 years old, in the middle of my eighth grade year, and my family and I had just moved to Clarksville. I loved the new house we had built, all of the land around us, and decorating my new room, but moving also meant going to a new school and leaving my friends. Living in the country was so far from everything and everyone that I was basically starting a new life. There were a few girls that took me in as their friend, but eventually I found myself changing to fit in with them. Back then was a time of influence and finding my place among new things and new people.
So that's it for now...tomorrow my students have Evan's mass lecture and I have some test grading to do! AND since it's February 1st, that means that a slew of NEW digi shoppes are opening tomorrow, and a ton of new stuff is happening! Big sales? I hope so!