Holy cow!
I'm not sure why that title is relevant to this post, but whatever. I've gotten addicted to that phrase lately and the madness has to stop. Maybe I can admit my problem here and start on my road to recovery. Maybe I can admit my addiction to fudge rounds too...as I almost wrote holy cow again, doh!...otherwise I'm going to become a nice fudge round myself!
Let's see...yesterday I actually did something domestic. I made brownie cupcakes for Dan and his roommate, woohoo. They could've been taken out of the oven two minutes earlier, but still good. Dan's couch set was delivered yesterday also, and it looks really nice in his living room, very comfy too. I'm sure the delivery guys were thrilled to see me in huge comfy clothes just stumbling out of bed when they banged on the door at 10:30am.
So I found out that I'll be applying for spring graduation instead of winter. I knew from slacking my ass off last quarter that graduating at the end of this quarter would be a crunch, but apparently the deadline has already passed to apply. You have to laugh when the deadline to apply is on the first day of the quarter, and everyone has just been on a month-long break with no idea of the deadline. Who do these higher-ups think they are? I guess the deadline to apply for spring is in February sometime, which definitely calls for a holy cow! That's one more thing on the to-do list.
Moving on...last night I started working on my digichick challenge for this week, a review of 2005, and it's almost done. I'll probably be able to post it tonight or tomorrow. Other than that, I think I'm out of news. Boring...I know...oh, but I did get the recent copies of Simple Scrapbooks and Creative Keepsakes last night so I have some reading and layout browsing to do!
OH! I almost forgot! I ordered a lil' sweetie from Sweet Mindy at TDC and she finished it today. It's so cute! Meet mini chubby me!

Okay, that's it, enjoy the rest of your hump day!
Let's see...yesterday I actually did something domestic. I made brownie cupcakes for Dan and his roommate, woohoo. They could've been taken out of the oven two minutes earlier, but still good. Dan's couch set was delivered yesterday also, and it looks really nice in his living room, very comfy too. I'm sure the delivery guys were thrilled to see me in huge comfy clothes just stumbling out of bed when they banged on the door at 10:30am.
So I found out that I'll be applying for spring graduation instead of winter. I knew from slacking my ass off last quarter that graduating at the end of this quarter would be a crunch, but apparently the deadline has already passed to apply. You have to laugh when the deadline to apply is on the first day of the quarter, and everyone has just been on a month-long break with no idea of the deadline. Who do these higher-ups think they are? I guess the deadline to apply for spring is in February sometime, which definitely calls for a holy cow! That's one more thing on the to-do list.
Moving on...last night I started working on my digichick challenge for this week, a review of 2005, and it's almost done. I'll probably be able to post it tonight or tomorrow. Other than that, I think I'm out of news. Boring...I know...oh, but I did get the recent copies of Simple Scrapbooks and Creative Keepsakes last night so I have some reading and layout browsing to do!
OH! I almost forgot! I ordered a lil' sweetie from Sweet Mindy at TDC and she finished it today. It's so cute! Meet mini chubby me!

Okay, that's it, enjoy the rest of your hump day!
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