What a day...
Not the best picture, but I finally got a bunch of these gift tags (slash) ornaments done last night. I think I have something like 16 of them, all dangling from my witchy fingers. Mama always said I had piano fingers. These little things weren't hard to make at all, though I started out trying different gluing methods - liquid glue, tape runner, and glue stick - to find that the glue stick was the best. Quicker to put on than a tape runner, faster drying and not quite as messy as liquid glue.
Today was pig out day #2 at work, but I learned my lesson from the first pig out day and ate a lot less. I took in some magic layer bars and they went pretty quickly. I took three for myself throughout the day, but let's not share that information with anyone else.
Tonight has been quite unproductive for the ONE night we were supposed to get a lot done. I came home from work to find Dan in a cleaning mood so I joined in for a while and the place looks half decent. Then, one of his friends was in town so we all had dinner together, and ever since Dan's been working on our wedding video. Yay for editing wedding video! We have video files from two different cameras at two different angles, and he's such a trooper trying to match them together for changing angles throughout the video. I was supposed to finish up my crafty things tonight, but somehow the time has slipped right by. I thought I had plenty of time tonight after posting to finish things, but then I remembered that it's Thursday, after 11p, and time to get in bed... not Friday with plenty of time to stay up. Ooops!
I will leave you with one last picture - my canvases. They haven't been coated with sealant yet, that's the next and final step. They do look a little shiny because of the iron-on, though, where it was not flat and hard to iron. These are for my two brothers and their families. I hope they like them.
Oh, and because I am supposed to spill the awesome news I found out yesterday... Dan's grandparents are getting us the LASER PRINTER we want for Christmas! AND it's estimated to be here by UPS TOMORROW! We're going to be printing some rockin' business documents soon enough. YIPPEE I'm so excited!
It's late, I'm just under the deadline for posting today, and I'm going to sleep!
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