Oh, Christmas tree...
Yep - I skipped a day. Now I can only skip one more day. Actually, if I want to beat my posts for last year instead of just tying them, then I have no days left to skip and should add one to my total. I'll figure it out later, but if I'm a grumpy pants who runs out of time again like last night, then I might be looking at a some two-poster days. This is #4 of 16.
One week until Christmas day. WOW. It feels like just last month Dan and I got married. Now that was almost seven months ago.
Yesterday - was the big WEIGH-IN DAY. As I suspected, I ate too much and had one too many Starbuck's coffees to lose any weight. I went up by 1.5 pounds, yikes. Dan, however, went down something like .2 pounds, so he won again for the week. I guess that's what happens when you actually go grocery shopping and have food in the house, even if it is decently healthy food (and when your Kroger's puts in a Starbuck's kiosk near the front door - doh!). Now we're starting to enforce weekly treats for whoever wins. Maybe I'll try to hold back my peppermint white mocha cravings for the next time I win a week. Though I do feel somewhat validated when I say my drinks are made with soy and no whip. The hundreds of calories seem much better that way.
After work yesterday Dan and I finally ended the chase of all chases for our illusive picture frame. There were a couple of options at Hobby Lobby with the sales they have going on, so we decided on a larger one that won't put us too far out of budget with matting and everything. But since we don't have the printed picture in our hands yet, we have to go back later in the week to get a mat matched and made. In case you're wondering what we're framing, it's a variation of the cabin anniversary invitation I made. Dan wanted to take the cabin photo (where his grandma grew up) and the poem his great-grandma wrote about the cabin, then add a photo of her...situate them all on a 20x30 layout for large viewing and hanging. I'm hoping our order ships today so we can have this thing and a couple other printed gifts in time to frame them. Two day shipping doesn't help when the stuff isn't shipped yet.
When we got back home last night, I went to work on printing the envelopes for our Christmas cards and putting them all together. I'm pretty happy with the cards, but I could be happier... maybe if we had the cats cooperating for their photo together, instead of putting two separate photos on the card, it would look better. But we all know how the old "herding cats" saying goes. Oh well, they're still cute - the cats and the cards. And as of today, most of the cards are off in snail mail land. The rest will be hand delivered at Dan's holiday party this weekend. Yippee.
Today - was pig out day #1 at work, and the girls also had a party this afternoon with lunch. Too bad I didn't find out about the party until I had already gone home and eaten lunch. I've eaten more food today than I care to admit... maybe a couple days' worth. Bleh.
Dan is doing some shopping tonight and helping his mom decorate... and I should be out searching for his gift, but I'm clueless for what to get him. Sure he gave me a couple ideas, but I'd really like to get something different or more original. I thought we had already spent enough on each other this year (you know that monster camera, business stuff, and all), but he already got me something without talking about exchanging. Sneaky move #826 in our relationship - I don't know how he does it.
I better get a move-on if I want to get some things done - there's shopping if I can come up with any good ideas, getting out the iron to make my canvases, folding/gluing lots of little circles into gift tags, and whatever else I can KICK OFF MY TO DO LIST!
Photos shown include...
1. our Christmas tree of red and gold
2. a teddy bear ornament that I painted in college (along with one for each of my roommates - Mizzle, Lizzle, and Sizzle I think)
3. an ornament that Sheri and Adam got us last year for our tree trimming party
I remember that bear for some reason. Did you put that on the tree we had at WSU? I didn't get to put up any of my personalized ones this year. We should make some together next year!
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