Breathing inspiration...
Hello Tuesday and a forecast calling for SNOW. I love the snow. Dan is not too fond of the white stuff, but I'm ready for it. I do need to find my scarves, though, haven't seen them in a while.
I've seen some really cool projects online lately - not that I want to stuff anything else onto my to-do list, but they're drool-worthy anyway.
- Daily December albums here and here. What a great idea to document the month of December, your traditions, and memories leading up to (and after) Christmas. You can't go wrong with any idea from Ali Edwards either.
- From Advent calendars comes the idea of Advent boxes here and here. I've never experienced the calendar thing, but the boxes might be something to try next year. Love that you can place an event/plan inside each day and have little ways to celebrate or spend time with others (along with candy - gotta love that part).
- This is something I'm actually considering for 2008 - a gratitude journal - here and here. Whether it's once a week, or once a month, using simple photos and words (or even just words) to capture what I'm grateful for all year long. Really reinforces the decision to be THANKFUL and HAPPY, rather than a bitter old grumpy pants - which can be my specialty more often than I'd like. I can put the album together ahead of time with whatever base I want (like transparencies, brown craft paper, etc.) and all I'll have to do is fill it in next year. I'm thinking monthly intervals are more my cup of tea if I decide to do this project.
- I will be putting these fun thing-a-ma-bobs on the gifts this year for name tags. Tons of possibilities there.

I really haven't mentioned it since the beginning of the year, but my "word" for 2007 is still going strong - DECIDE. I can't say that I've applied it as much as I should have (Dan can vouch for that one) but it's been in the back of my mind. With the gratitude journal I can continue the positive thinking aspect of my word even after I choose a new one. Now I'm wondering what my word for 2008 should be...
Today and tonight - the wedding album has been sent to the printer, we got a happy package from said printer that we need to organize with some other goodies for delivery tomorrow, we need to be fed, and there are groceries to get in this place.
It's a full night and I'm hungry, so it's time to scoot!
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