Signs of Christmas...
We don't have any of our decorations out yet, so our client Christmas cards are pretty much the first signs of the holiday in our house. I'm hoping we can get everything out this weekend. We were too busy enjoying our Thanksgiving laziness last weekend to haul boxes from the basement. I'm looking forward to our tree, stockings, garland/lights down the staircase, and "candles" in the windows. What do you call those things? It's all so warm and calming.
Above are some quick snaps of a client card order that was delivered today. The cards were printed on watercolor paper—you can see some of the texture on the back. I delivered the cards already and they are loved, which I obviously love. Now I just need to come up with a design for our own cards before they end up like last year's design...non-existent.
You'll have to excuse me, my task list is calling...
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